Favourite Things

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Harry's POV

I wasn't all there at our meeting. Sure, I was listening, but I wasn't really contributing anything. I couldn't help but worry about me and Louis. We'd pretty much come out, and I was terrified that our management would have something to say about it. They broke us apart the last time, and I was sure they could do it again.

"Harry? Thoughts?" Zayn asked, tapping my arm.

"Huh?" I said, looking up. He frowned, and the other guys did the same.

"Something wrong?" Liam asked. We were sitting in Niall's hotel room working on music again. Liam, Niall, and Louis were sat on the large white couch while Zayn and I were sitting opposite them in separate chairs.

I shook my head. "No, no, it's nothing. I just zoned out, that's all," I lied. Louis then stood up and nodded towards the balcony.

"Come on," he insisted, and headed outside. I sighed before getting up and following behind. When I stepped onto the balcony the fresh air hit me. It was a relaxing feeling, and I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. I wasn't ready for whatever conversation we were about to have. I didn't want to admit to him that I was scared. He was leaning against the railing, staring into the distance, not anything particular. I cleared my throat, but he didn't turn around.

"Louis, I—"

"I know you're scared," he interrupted, still not turning to face me. "I'm absolutely terrified, you know. I have no idea what management is going to do, but I don't think I want to know. Last time this happened they broke us up as fast as they possibly could."

"Last time this . . . happened?" I asked, the hurt showing in my voice. "Do you . . . do you think us kissing was just another mistake?"

It was then that he finally turned around.

"No. Not at all." He stepped closer to me. "Kissing you at the event was one of the best decisions I've ever had. I really don't want to hide my feelings for you anymore, Harry."

I placed my hand on his arm gently. "But you said you're worried about the consequences, with management and everything."

"I am. Of course I am. But whatever they try to do to us, I won't let them do it. Not this time. I'm not repeating what happened in the past. They can't just tell us not to be together. And they sure as hell can't force us to see other people."

"That's how you met Eleanor," I muttered under my breath. Louis clearly heard me, as he brought a hand up to my cheek.

"Oh, Haz. You know I never loved her as much as I love you, right?"

I looked up at him, into his bright blue eyes. I'd say they were my favourite part of him, but I'd be lying. Ever since we were younger I'd told him time and time again how much I adored his eyelashes.

I woke up but I stayed in bed, staring across the room at Louis sleeping soundly. He looked so small, curled up beneath his blanket. His left arm was hanging off the edge of the bed, and it looked like he was about to fall off.

Suddenly, as if on cue, he stirred, shifting slightly before rolling off the side of the mattress. He grunted when he hit the floor, then groaned as he sat up. I was surprised it didn't wake the other boys. I continued watching as he stood up and fixed his blanket. When I noticed he was turning around I quickly shut my eyes and pretended I was asleep.

I heard him walk across the floor, and felt his presence once he was right beside me.

"I know you're awake, Styles," he whispered in my ear, causing me to shudder. I opened my eyes and smiled faintly. He then reached down and stroked my hair.

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