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Louis' POV

The five of us decided to meet back at the bar two days later at 9:00 in the morning. I was still a little bothered by the time, but at least it wasn't any earlier.

By the time I arrived, everyone else was already there. It was 9:30, but no one was surprised. I wandered into the room and the guys all greeted me. A bunch of papers were sprawled out on a table in the middle of five chairs, and Niall had his guitar.

It's too early for song writing, I thought as I ran my hand through my messy hair. I hadn't bothered to fix it, and I knew no one would care.

"We writing something?" I asked, peering over at the sheets of paper covered in scribbles and messy writing.

"Yeah, here, have a look," Zayn said, handing me a paper. I read through the lyrics and I was pretty impressed. It appeared to be a love song, and it was really beautiful.

"Wow. That's really good," I said, handing the paper back to Zayn who placed it down on the table once again.

"Isn't it? Harry wrote it. It's quite something," Liam gushed over the new song. I looked over at Harry who was blushing and trying to hide his adorable smile. Part of me hoped the song was for me, but I wasn't about to ask. Harry could've easily written it about someone he'd been with when we were apart.

"It's great, Harry." I smiled at him.

"Thanks," he mumbled quietly, an evident grin now on his face.

Niall looked back and forth between the two of us beaming like an idiot. He'd always been a huge supporter of our relationship, and I figured he sensed something between us once again. I moved to sit down but Niall grabbed my arm, grabbed Liam as well, and dragged us into the other room.

"We'll be right back!" he shouted over his shoulder to the other confused boys. I wriggled out of his grip and shoved him off me.

"Dude what's up with you?" Liam asked angrily, adjusting the hem of his shirt. Niall stood in front of us making a face as if it was obvious why he brought us away from the others. I raised my eyebrows and looked from Niall to Liam and back again.

"What's up with me? What's up with Harry and Louis?" he asked excitedly.

"Uh, I-I don't know what you're talking about," I stuttered. Harry and I hadn't discussed our "relationship" much and I didn't want to give Niall false information. I wasn't even sure if Harry wanted people to know anything.

"Like hell you do! I saw how you guys were acting the last time we met up, and then he whispered in your ear and you guys left together! Tell me what's going on, now!"

"Okay, um, stalker much?" I said, avoiding the question. I stared at Niall and he stared back at me.

"Well?" he pestered. I sighed, knowing I couldn't avoid him forever, and figured it'd be fine for me to tell him a little bit. I rubbed my face with my hands and then finally confessed.

"I guess we're . . . like . . . we still have feelings for each other."

"Okay yeah duh," Liam stepped in. "But did anything happen between you guys? I know you told me you just talked but I don't believe you." I looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with either of them. Suddenly they were both right in my face.

"Louis Tomlinson. Spill it," Niall demanded. I groaned and looked down at my shoes before quietly telling them.

"We had sex."

"Are you kidding me?! Tommo you liar!" Liam shouted and I jumped back slightly. Niall's eyes were wide and his jaw was practically on the floor.

"Technically I didn't lie," I said. God I was so uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"When you called we really hadn't done anything. All we did was sleep, but then when I hung up . . ." I trailed off and shrugged my shoulders. Judging by their expressions they understood what I meant.

"Are you serious?" Niall practically screamed, and suddenly Harry and Zayn were scrambling into the room.

"Okay, I have to know. What's so exciting?" Zayn questioned. Harry also looked curious, even though I'd assumed he knew what we'd been talking about. We all looked around at one another in silence. I expected Niall or Liam to blurt it out but neither of them cracked. It was Harry who finally spoke up.

"Um, Louis, can I talk to you for just a second?" he said, nodding back over to the other room.

How many times do I have to go back and forth? I thought as I rolled my eyes and reluctantly followed close behind Harry. As soon as I was past them I heard the other three start whispering and giggling. They were such children.

Harry moved the doorstop and shut the door behind me so we could actually have some privacy. Then he turned to face where I was standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" he asked as a smirk appeared on his face. I guess he did have a clue after all. I felt my cheeks turn red as Harry stepped closer to me.

"It was nothing, really," I lied. He saw right through me.

"Is that so?" He placed his hand on my arm and moved even closer until our faces were just inches apart. My heart was racing. No matter how many times I'd been with Harry, he still managed to make me so uneasy. I couldn't help but glance at his lips, and as soon as I did I prayed he didn't notice. However, a smile grew on his face letting me know he absolutely did.

"You can't get enough, can you, Lou?"

"Three years, Haz. It's been three damn years."

"Technically it's been two days." I smiled at the thought of what happened back at his hotel. It was so unbelievable I wasn't even totally sure it was real. It felt more like something I'd merely imagined.

"Yeah but I want what we had way back then. I want everything to be how it used to be," I admitted. I hadn't intended to make it emotional, but it just happened. I saw something change within his eyes, almost noticing a hint of sorrow beneath them. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I just . . . I want it to be like that too. I want to just pick up where we left off. But how can we manage that? So much has changed and we hardly know each other now. I feel like we're in two different worlds, like you're so far away from me, and I—"

"Harry, it's okay," I interrupted. "I know what you mean. But come on, we were each other's best friend. We knew each and every secret, and that hasn't changed. So we had a bit of a break but we can come back from that, right? We both know this is meant to be. We knew it from the beginning. Right when we started on the X-Factor it was clear there was something special between us, and it hasn't gone anywhere. I promise," I finished as I took his hands in mine. He looked into my eyes and a tiny smile crept onto his face.

"Okay," he said, so quietly that if we were any further apart I wouldn't have heard him. Then I heard the door click open and I looked behind Harry to see all three lads peeking in.

"Hope everything's going well in here," Liam grinned. Zayn smacked his arm and the two of them giggled.

"It's going just fine, now come in here you creeps," Harry said. They all walked in and we sat down around the table, finally ready to get some work done. Although it was hard for me to focus with Harry right next to me the entire time.

when it all began | l.s.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن