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Louis' POV

I made my way around the crowd, only bumping into a couple people before I reached Niall, Liam, and Zayn at the bar. They'd already gotten drinks, so I ordered myself a pint and faced the crowd, standing next to Niall.

"I feel like dancing tonight," Niall shouted, nudging my side.

"I don't know. Maybe after a few drinks," I replied. "Hey, um, where'd they go?" I asked, gesturing to the empty stools where Zayn and Liam had been only a few seconds prior. Niall looked to his left and shrugged.

"No idea."

We sat and chatted for a while, downing a few pints. I was having a really good time, and then I remembered my curly haired boyfriend. He hadn't met us at the bar yet, and I was suddenly a little worried that something had happened to him. I leaned over on my stool to get a better look around the room, and then I was on the floor. Niall's famous laugh seemed to be even louder than the music as I stumbled back up to my seat, giggling like an idiot.

"God I wish I had that on video," Niall choked, slapping the counter top. I punched his arm, and continued scanning the room for Harry.

Finally, I spotted him sitting at a table close to the entrance, but he wasn't alone. Across from him was a blond man. Well, I'd refer to him as a boy. He couldn't have been more than twenty.

Do I know that guy?

"Hey, Niall," I tapped his arm and pointed to the boy. "Who's that guy with Harry?"

"He's the dude who let us in here. You know, the 'bouncer' kid," Niall explained. I frowned.

"What's he doing with Harry?" I wondered out loud, and before Niall had a chance to speak I was heading across the floor. When I reached their table I snaked my arms around Harry's shoulders and rested my chin on the top of his head. "Hey babe."

He grabbed my hand. "Lou! Hey!"

"Who's this?" I asked, gesturing to the kid in front of me.

"Oh yeah! Louis, this is Leo. Leo, Louis," he introduced.

"Hi," Leo said. He spoke so quietly I hardly heard him. I smiled in return, but didn't say hi back.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" I asked curiously. I'll admit I was a little overprotective over Harry, but there was no denying the facts. Harry was a very attractive man. He was tall, fit, and he had the face of an angel. He was a mega star, and he was extremely sexy. Anyone would want him, and I could tell this kid did. He definitely wanted him.

"Not much, we were just—"

"Are you two together?" Leo cut in. I couldn't help but laugh, but Harry looked up and glared at me, as if to say 'don't be rude.'

"Yes, we are," Harry replied and I practically saw the guy's expression drop. I mentally rolled my eyes. It's not like he thought he had a chance. With Harry freakin' Styles? Yeah right.

For some reason—probably my slight tipsiness—I decided to have a little fun and rub his nose in it. I bent down and nibbled on Harry's ear. He shivered, and I then moved my hands into his hair, playing with his curls like I knew he loved. He leaned into my touch, so I turned his head and placed a kiss on his forehead, then his temple, his cheek, his nose, and finally his lips. He kissed me back deeply, and for a moment I completely forgot about the boy at the table. I slipped my tongue into Harry's mouth and continued playing with his hair as he reached up, trying to pull me down to him. I would've let it escalate further right there in the club, but I was pulled out of my trance.

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