Date Night

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Louis' POV

"I'm here I'm here I'm here," I spluttered as I ran into the restaurant.

"My god, Louis. I was just about to call you. Why are you always late?" Jessica said as I sat down across from her.

"Liam came over and he was rambling on about . . . well about something. And I didn't want to just kick him out so, you know." I took a sip of water and tried to slow my breathing. I'd practically sprinted from the car to the table.

Wonder what those pictures look like.

"Did he know you had an important date?" she pressed, annoyance obvious in her tone.

"No. I didn't mention it. And what makes this so important? This is like the fifth night we've gone out for dinner this week. The paps think I'm insane. I never go out this much, it's not my thing."

"Well it's my thing. And you should consider any date with me to be an important one, Lou."

I rolled my eyes and took another sip of water before a waitress in a tight black dress came over asking if we were ready to order. I hadn't even opened my menu yet, but Jessica still said yes. I snatched a menu as quickly as possible and memorized the name of the first thing I saw before placing it back on the table. As Jessica made sure the waitress had written down everything perfectly, a message lit up her phone. It was sitting in the middle of the table, and although it was upside down, I could read it clearly.

Lexi: How's it going? Plan working I assume?

I frowned, but before I could give another thought the waitress was turning to me. I opened my mouth to tell her what I'd like, but Jessica cut me off and began ordering for me. The waitress sighed and began writing it down, giving me a look as if to say 'I'm sorry, I feel for you' as she wrote.

I had no clue why I was putting up with Jessica. Sure, when I first met her she seemed decent. But after being with her for a few weeks I realized just how horrible she was to be around. She was desperate, attention seeking, and rude. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to end things with her. While I was focused on how bothered I was by her, I wasn't focussed on other things. I wasn't thinking about Harry.


I missed him so much. Back at Niall's when he held my hand, that little bit of contact gave me chills. I wanted him so badly, but he made it very clear it wouldn't work. But god I wished it would. I wanted to hold him while we slept, and make him tea before bed, and kiss him, and touch him, and—

"Louis? Stop zoning out, it's creepy as hell," Jessica said. I shook my head, my vision coming into focus once more and couldn't help but notice that her phone was no longer on the table.

What was the "plan" that that person was talking about? Did I recognize the name? What was the name, what was the name . . .

"Louis!" she shouted, snapping her fingers in my face. "I told you to stop it!"

"Who was that text from?" I asked. Woah, way to be forward, Louis.

"What? What are you talking about?" she said, spinning her straw around in her glass.

"You know what I'm talking about. I saw a message on your phone about some "plan," so tell me what's going on, Jessica."

"You have no right to read my messages," she argued.

"It was sitting in the middle of the table! It was right there." I pointed next to my glass. "I didn't purposefully look at it, but I've seen it now and I want to know what's going on."

"My god, fine. It was just my friend Lexi, that's all. I told her I had dinner plans tonight. I'm sure that's what she's talking about."

Lexi. Where have I heard that name. It's right on the tip of my tongue, why can't I think!

"Um . . . okay. Sorry I asked."

She reached across the table and grabbed my hand, but there were no chills. No rush of anything. "It's alright, babe." I faked a smile and hoped our food was coming soon, even though I  had no idea what I'd be eating.


The meal seemed to drag on for forever, and I didn't like a single thing I had ordered. None of it was anything I would have ever chosen for myself. Jessica sure took her time, eating as slow as she possibly could. I think we actually spent three hours in that stupid restaurant. Yet, as we wandered outside into the cool darkness of the night, I was still hungry.

Jessica stepped by the curb and tapped her foot on the concrete.

"Where did you park?"

"It's not far. Within walking distance." She rolled her eyes and huffed but then took my hand and started walking through the parking lot. Why she was leading me, I had no idea, since she didn't know where we were going. There were hardly any cars in the lot, although when I had arrived it was almost completely full. That just goes to show how long we'd been there. We passed a couple of guys who waved to us and I smiled, but Jessica didn't even bat an eye.

Once we got to the car, I unlocked it and headed around to the driver's side. When she shut her door she tossed her purse onto the floor at her feet.

"You'll have to remind me where I'm going," I said as I started the car. "I've only been to your place once."

"You seriously don't remember where it is?"

"Well, not from here, no." She sighed and began giving me directions, talking to me as if a were a five year old. It didn't take very long, and when I pulled into her driveway I hopped out and walked around to the passenger side to open her door. Sure, I didn't like her, but I wasn't a total dickhead. I pulled her door open and she hopped out, grabbing her purse.

As she turned to head inside without so much as a goodbye, I noticed her phone lying on the floor of the car.

"Hold on, Jessica, you left your—" I started, picking up her phone. I trailed off as I saw a second notification on her screen from the same girl who'd texted her before.

Lexi: Be nicer to him. If he breaks up with you he might go back to Harry and we don't want that. You said you'd get him to date you and be seen by the paps, and you've done that which is great, but if he dumps you it'll all be for nothing. Don't screw this up.

My jaw dropped, and I felt like I couldn't feel anything. I was numb. I could hear Jessica shouting at me as she snatched the phone from my hand, but I just stared at my hands where it had been. My head was spinning so fast the whole world seemed to be tilted, and I could lose my balance at any moment.

"This was all fake?" I said quietly, almost unable to speak at all. "You broke us up on purpose." I turned to look at Jessica, and just as she opened her mouth to speak, I lost it. "You broke us up on purpose? Are you kidding me? This was all some . . . some stunt! You knew I would tell Harry we kissed at the club, and you knew we'd break up. This was all planned. Every last detail. I can't fucking believe this."

"Louis, hold on, I—"

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up. I have to go." I turned on my heel and headed for the car. As I opened my door I shouted at her where she was glued to the driveway. "And you can tell Lexi to leave me and all of my friends alone, or I swear to god I will make sure we find new management. I don't care the cost."

I slammed my door and put the keys in the ignition.

I have to go. I have to find Harry.


A/N: heyooo i'm gonna be updating quite a bit this week i think because i'm going camping and i write a lot when i'm camping.

shit is getting real in this story and i have ZERO clue how it's gonna end haha....

hope it's alright! thanks for reading (plz comment literally anything i'm begging you)

~bee. xo.

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