A Kiss

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Harry's POV

"Is that charity event tonight?" Liam's voice rang through the phone.

"What?" I asked.

"There's like a celebrity silent auction for charity that we agreed to go to. Part of promo for our comeback."

"I didn't even know about it. Ask Niall," I suggested.

"Alright. I'll let you know."

After hanging up I went onto Twitter to see if anything interesting was going on. I scrolled through my mentions and liked a couple, and then something caught my eye.

It was picture of Louis and Eleanor holding hands taken through a window of a coffee shop, with the headline "Are Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder back together?" I frowned and checked the date, seeing that it was posted late last night.

My heart sank to my stomach. He'd really moved on quickly. And back to her, too. Of course, who am I to be upset? I practically made this happen.

I didn't know what to feel. How could I see him tonight knowing he was taken? How could I look him in the eye knowing he wasn't mine anymore?


When we arrived there was a red carpet outside the venue, which I hadn't been looking forward to. The five of us stepped out of our limo and right away I spotted Ed. I broke away from the group to go say hello, and he was surprised to see me, although happy I was there.

"Harry!" he beamed. "Didn't know you'd be here! How are things?"

"Good. I'm ready to lose a little money."

"Always good to give to charity, especially when you can definitely afford it," Ed chuckled. He was right. Every single person at the event had way too much money in the bank anyway.

"Harry. Pictures," Liam called to me, waving me over. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Guess I gotta go. Talk later, yeah?" Ed nodded and patted my shoulder before I headed over to the lads. We stood in a row, as always. Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis, then me. Commands about what to do were yelled at us from every direction, which had always bothered me a little. Why couldn't they just let us do what we wanted?

"What's next? Want us to take our clothes off or something?" Louis mumbled under his breath.

I giggled and turned towards him and, hearing my giggle, he did the same. He smiled at me, and for the first time in a while it wasn't fake. Our faces were so close and I couldn't help but notice him glance down at my lips as we continued to smile at each other. Suddenly it seemed like he was getting closer, causing my heart to race nervously, but a certain comment changed that almost instantly.

"Louis, where's Eleanor tonight?"

His head snapped forward and he furrowed his eyebrows. I turned away from him and looked down at the floor. To my right, I heard Louis whisper to Zayn.

"I haven't been dating El for months. Why would they ask that?"

"Have you been on your phone at all today, mate?" Zayn asked.

"No, why?"

"Paps saw you holding hands with her in some uh, coffee shop or something. Said you were back together."

"Oh my god. Can I not have female friends?"

Tell me about it.

"Alright guys, let's get going," Liam said, and we continued walking.

Wait. Hold up, I thought, everything hitting me at once. He said friend. They're just friends.

"Oh thank god," I breathed.

"What?" Louis asked from behind me. I spun around quickly, and once again we were so close. I stared into his beautiful blue eyes and could practically feel my heart pang in my chest. In that moment everything else seemed to disappear, and all I could see was the gorgeous man before me. All my feelings flooded my mind, and all I wanted was to kiss him and tell him a thousand times how sorry I was.

You can't. Not here. Not in public again. You'll make it worse.

Louis didn't move, and neither did I. I didn't care how long we'd been standing here like this, it was the closest we'd come to contact in over a month. I'd missed him so much, and to even stand in his presence was more than enough. I could see in his eyes that thoughts were running wild behind them. I only wished I knew what they were.

Suddenly, before I could fully register what was happening, he started leaning forward. He then placed a hand on my cheek softly, and finally, he closed the gap between us.

His lips felt like absolute heaven against mine. It was a soft kiss. A sweet one. A kiss that said more than words ever could. It assured me that everything would be okay. That Louis and I were meant to be, pushing away any doubt I previously had. It was within that kiss that Louis told me he forgave me, and that he didn't care what other people thought of us. And in that moment I knew he knew I was sorry. I knew he knew how much I loved him, although that didn't mean I'd ever stop telling him. I'd continue to tell him I loved him for the rest of my life. It was within that kiss that I realized that to be true.

When we both pulled away, a tiny smile graced my lips as I ran my thumb and index finger over them. Louis let his hand linger on my cheek for a while before it dropped to his side.

"I love you, Haz."

"I love you too, Lou."


A/N: So I cried writing that last bit. Just saying...

~bee. xo.

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