Can't Sleep

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Louis' POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back to sleep, so I grabbed a pen and my notebook and tried to come up with some lyrics. I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about, which made things a little more difficult. I didn't want to just throw something together. I wanted to have something really good to show the lads next time we met up.

After half an hour of absolutely nothing, I switched off my lamp, threw myself back onto my pillow and sighed. Staring at the ceiling I tried to find some inspiration. Naturally, the first thing that came to mind was Harry. I'd written so many songs about him in the past, even if he didn't always know about it.

I thought back to the first song I ever wrote about him. I remembered the time when I was eighteen and he was just sixteen, and we were meeting for the first time.

I wandered around in search of the toilets, looking like a little lost puppy. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would, and when I finally found them I ran in as fast as I could.

When I had finished and I could finally let my body relax, I zipped up my jeans and headed towards the sink. It was only then when I noticed a curly haired boy washing his hands. I wondered how dumb I had looked running in like that.

He looked at me in the mirror and smiled kindly. I gave him a smile in return and moved to the sink next to him. As I turned on the tap, he turned his off and went to dry his hands. I washed mine quickly, then spun around to grab a paper towel. As I did so, the boy bumped into me on his way to the door.

"Oops," he mumbled.

"Hi," I greeted awkwardly.

"Uh, hi. Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention. I'm really nervous," he said. He looked so timid.

"I understand. It's totally fine. I think everyone's nervous. Well, most people are. I sure as hell am. I heard you practicing earlier out there and you sounded really good," I complimented. It was true, I had heard him singing, and noticed right away. He had a really nice voice. Definitely better than mine. "You've got nothing to worry about, trust me."

"Thanks," he said, blushing. He looked down at his shoes and tried to hide his smile.

Okay wow, you're adorable, I thought.

"I should get going, then," he said, pointing to the door.

"Oh, yeah, right," I said frowning. Part of me didn't want him to leave, but I wasn't quite sure why. "Good luck, um . . ." I trailed off, realizing that I hadn't caught his name.

"Harry," he said.

"Good luck Harry. I'm Louis, by the way."

"Oh, well thank you Louis. Good luck to you too," he said. He was so soft spoken. I watched as he walked briskly out the door, and left me standing alone, my hands dripping on the floor. Once he was gone I finally grabbed a paper towel, dried off my hands and headed back to the main hall.

It was crazy how many people were there. Everyone was either chatting, singing, or playing an instrument. The adrenaline in the room was unbelievable. I sat down in my chair and impatiently waited to be called for my turn. I ran through my song in my head, part of me worrying that I'd somehow forget the words the second I walked out on stage.

I couldn't help but find my mind wandering to Harry. The image of him in my head was so clear. His brown curly hair that suited him so well. His bright green eyes that glistened with hope. His red lips.

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