That Night

141 1 4

Louis' POV

We walked into the club and I took in the scene. There were people everywhere, and bright lights flashing across the walls. I saw so many famous faces it was a little overwhelming. The boys came in a few seconds after me, repeating what I had just done.

"Holy hell, does Ed even know all these people?" Zayn asked.

"No way," Liam replied, clinging to Zayn's arm. He always got like that in big crowds. It was like he thought Zayn would protect him. "No one knows this many people."

Harry's hand brushed my arm and I looked up at him and smiled. "You alright, tiny one?" he teased.

"Oh shut up, Haz." I punched his arm and he winced, acting like it hurt. Then I pulled him further inside and towards an empty corner. "Hey, remember, we gotta be 'just friends' at this thing, right? I know you hate that but we have to. Anything suspicious and people will start talking, and then we'll just get in so much trouble. Understand?" He nodded sadly.

"I just wish we could have fun and act normal, Louis."

"I know, babe, but we can't." He pouted some more. "Pretend we're only friends, just during the party, and when we get home we can be waaay more than friends, if you catch my drift," I grinned. A smile quickly appeared on his face and he nodded, eyeing me hungrily.

"Save it for tonight, Styles."

"Ugh," he groaned, and then walked over to the bar. I followed behind him, pushing my way through the copious amounts of people on the dance floor. The music was blaring in my ears and I could hear muffled conversations going on all around me.

By the time I reached the bar, Harry had ordered five shots, all for himself.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" I asked. He glared at me. "Okay, okay, sorry. I'm just looking out for you. I don't want you getting really drunk and doing something you'll regret. Literally everyone here is famous, there are bound to cameras somewhere," I reminded him.

"Jeez, Lou, just chill. Stop worrying. It's a party for God's sake!" I sighed and sat down on a bar stool. I watched as he downed his five shots as quickly as possible, and then headed over to dance with Niall and some girls I didn't recognize.

I remained in my seat and looked around the room. I found it interesting to watch other people and see how different people did different things at parties. Some people were just sitting down chatting calmly while other people were absolutely shit-faced, dancing like complete idiots. Unfortunately, my boyfriend fell in that category.

I watched as he and Niall danced around, looking dumber than ever, and I laughed a little. It was amusing to watch, but at the same time I worried about Harry. He was so unpredictable when he was drunk, and I hoped he wouldn't do anything he'd regret. I had to stay sober so that I could round up the lads at the end of the night and get everyone home safely.

"Care for a coke?" a familiar voice shouted from beside me. I turned to see Ed smiling at me, holding out a bottle.

"Yeah, cheers mate."

"No problem, I assumed you weren't drinking, since you gotta watch out for those idiots," he explained, gesturing to Niall and Harry who'd also been joined by Liam and Zayn. I nodded, taking a sip of my coke.

"Hey," I remembered, "happy birthday!"

"Thanks, Louis," he smiled, patting me on the back. "I have to make the rounds, yanno, make sure I say hi to everyone. Maybe we'll catch up later, yeah?"

"Yeah, sure. Have fun!" I said, waving as he wandered off. He waved back. When I looked back to the dance floor, I didn't see the boys. They were all gone.

Shit, I thought. This can't be good.

I spent around half an hour walking around the club looking for them, but I had no luck, so I returned to the bar, hoping that maybe they'd find me instead.

I'd been sitting alone for quite some time when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see a messy haired Harry with a beer in his hand.

"Finally. I couldn't find you guys anywhere, where'd you g-"

"Shhhh," he slurred, placing his index finger on my lips. I frowned. "S'all good, kay? We're jus having fun. No need to worry, Boobear." All of his words were strung together. He let his hand fall from my lips to my chin and then around to the back of my neck.

"Hey hey hey," I protested, trying to remove his hand, but I had no luck. "What are you doing?"

"C'mon, it's not like anyone really cares," he claimed, leaning closer until our faces were inches apart. I jerked away from him and finally pushed his hand away.

"Harry, stop, okay? You're not thinking straight."

"No I am not. I'm thinking gay, Lou." He giggled at his own joke.

"Oh my god, how drunk are you? Harry, let's just go, okay? I think you've had your fun." I stood up and grabbed his arm, pulling him away from the bar. Unfortunately, we had to cross the dance floor to get to the door, which was impossible with Harry in his drunken state. He held me back and started dancing, pressing himself against me. I tried to pull away but he insisted.

"Harry, I'm serious. Let's go," I said sternly. Harry stopped dancing, and for a second I thought maybe I had gotten through to him.

Then, within a second, he grabbed my face and started kissing me. I was screaming for him to stop inside my head. I was screaming at myself to stop him, but I melted at his touch, and began kissing him back. His hands left my face and moved to my back, and then down to my ass.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit, I thought.

I heard whispering around us but I couldn't break away from Harry's grasp. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I reluctantly let him.

What the hell am I doing?!

We stood there, full on making out in front of everyone. By this time I knew we were in serious trouble. I could feel a hundred pairs of eyes on us, and I wanted to disappear.

When I finally managed to pry myself away from him, I grabbed Harry's arm and ran us out of the club. He stumbled along behind me and into our car. I had insisted I drive us so that we could leave whenever we pleased, no waiting. I shoved him into the passenger seat and ran around to the driver's side. Paparazzi surrounded the car, and I just sat there, stunned.

"Louis, what . . . what just happened?"

"You kissed me in public Harry! That's what fucking happened!" I couldn't hold in my anger. I screamed at him while he sat there in silence, letting me scold him. I was absolutely furious.

This is going to ruin everything. Literally everything, I thought. I let my head fall into my hands and right there in the parking lot of the club, surrounded by cameras, I bawled my eyes out.

I woke up suddenly, sweating and shaky. I shuttered at the thought of my all too vivid memory. It was then that I realized where I was, and who was with me.

My cheek was pressed into Harry's chest and my arms were wrapped around his waist, our legs tangled. I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm myself down. Then I felt a warm hand touch my bare back. I looked up to see Harry's bright green eyes looking down at me.

"Everything okay?" he asked, worry on his face. I must've woken him with all my stirring.

"Yes, Hazza, everything's fine." I paused, resting my head back down on him. "Everything's perfectly fine now."

A small smile graced my face as I shut my eyes and fell asleep once more.

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