Sweet Creature

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Louis' POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes gently before yawning. I'd rolled away from Harry in my sleep. I turned my head to see his sleeping form, perfect as ever, and smiled to myself. A few rays of sunlight were shining through the cracks in the blinds, lighting up his face beautifully. His pink lips were parted slightly, and his eyelashes were fanned out on his cheeks. His brown curls were messy, sticking out in random directions, and yet it still looked good.

I love this man.

Trying not to disturb him, I pulled myself out of bed and walked sleepily into the bathroom. I turned on the shower, waited for it to heat up, and then stepped in. It was large, with a translucent glass door and light blue glass tiles covering the walls. I exhaled softly as the warm water washed over my skin.

While rinsing out my shampoo, I mindlessly began humming one of Harry's songs. Sweet Creature. It had always been my favourite. Slowly, my humming turned into singing, and I was transported to my own little world. I didn't even hear him come into the room.

"Nice voice."

I jumped, almost slipping on the soapy floor.

"Jesus, Harry. You scared me," I said, pushing my hair back with both hands.

"Sorry," he apologized. "Good song choice, by the way." I could practically hear the smirk on his face. I shook my head and continued washing my body.

"Wrote it about you, you know," he stated calmly.

I froze. No way.

The lyrics to that song were so moving, which is why I loved it so much. Every line showed pure love, and every time he performed it he put his heart and soul in. I'd seen rumours that it was about me, but I never believed it could be. No one would write something like that about me . . . or so I thought.

I opened the shower door and poked my head out. "Harry?" I said. He'd been washing his hands.

"Yes, love?" he answered, turning to face me.

"Come here."

"What, why?"

"Just . . . just come here, Harry," I insisted. He moved over to me, and I reached out, placing my wet hand on the back of his neck. I pulled him in to meet my lips and kissed him sweetly.

"What was that for?" he asked once I'd pulled away.

"I love you like crazy, Haz, I hope you know," I said, staring into his green eyes, still close to mine. "Thank you for that song. It really is beautiful. I could listen to you sing it for hours on end."

He placed his hand on my cheek. "Wherever I go, Lou, you bring me home. I truly meant every word I wrote."


A/N: okay so I know this chapter is really short but I think this scene deserves to be by itself. i've been wanting to write this one for a while, and i think it's real cute.

as always, if you've got suggestions or just feedback in general please comment! thanks for reading :))

~bee. xo.

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