Party - Part 2

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A/N: Hello! So I am aware that this chapter is way too short and also absolute shit. I have the worst writers block ever but I forced myself to write even if it was really bad. I'll come back and edit it later. Thanks for understanding, and as always I hope you're enjoying the story!!

~bee. xo.


Louis' POV

I walked out of the restroom soon after Harry, and wandered back to the bar. It was on a slightly raised platform, so I figured it'd be easier to see him from there, that is if he hadn't left. I scanned the crowd but didn't see him anywhere.

He probably left, I thought, hoping it wasn't true. Part of me was sad, but part of me was also considerably angry with him. He was mad because I'd been in a relationship with someone during our three years apart. What was I supposed to do, just sit around by myself and be sad? That's just ridiculous.

As my anger became heightened I noticed the crowd become louder, hearing "ooh's" and seeing many people with their phones out. Confused, I walked over and shoved my way towards the centre to get a better look, and what I saw made my blood boil.

There he was, standing there, with his hands all over same random girl, and his tongue practically down her throat.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything but watch. People around me laughed and shouted but I could only focus on the two in front of me.

How could he do this? We just got back together.

After what felt like an eternity he pulled away from her sharply, removing his hands from her waist and stepping back. He looked around, and for a second I saw a shocked, almost confused look on his face. And then he saw me.

Our eyes met and his expression turned to shame, and what appeared to be sadness. He then turned and pushed past everyone, running towards and out the door as fast as he could. The crowd was buzzing with whispers, and as I looked around I saw all eyes were now on me. Nervously, I walked to the door, all the while wanting to disappear, until finally I stepped out into the cool air, the loud music fading behind me as the door swung shut.

It was almost silent outside. The parking lot full of cars but not a single engine running. The streets were deserted as it was well past midnight. I glanced around hoping to see Harry. I'd come here with him and Niall, so he couldn't have gone far unless he'd walked himself back to the hotel. Worry struck my mind as I pictured him stumbling through the dark in his state, alone.

Oh god, what if he tried to take the car anyway?

Now I was frantic. I needed to make sure he was okay. Was I angry with him? Yes. Did I want him to get himself killed? Absolutely not. I wandered all throughout the large parking lot, between all the fancy cars, but there was no sign of him. I was still pretty tipsy myself, and every now and then I tripped over my own feet.

In the silence of the night I thought I heard something coming from around the corner of the building. I was almost sure it was crying, and it was a familiar cry. I quickly walked over and peered around the edge of the brick wall and sure enough there he was. He was sat against the building with his knees to his chest and his head in his hands, sobbing.

"H-Harry?" I whispered, my voice breaking. He lifted his head and turned to see me. Then quickly he wiped his eyes and tried to calm his breathing before standing up.

"Oh god, Lou, I—" he began.

"Harry, let's just save it for tomorrow, please," I said. There was no emotion in my tone. I wanted us to be sober for the conversation that was coming. He nodded and brushed his hair away from his face. "Come on, let's go find Niall and get out of here."

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