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Harry's POV

I watched secretly as Louis left the balcony, shortly followed by Liam. Then I went back to my writing before me. Even though we'd been stuck on one song for a while, I'd been trying to get another one going as well.

"So Harry," Niall began. I'd almost forgotten he was there. "How are you?" I looked up at him, confused.

"Um . . . I'm fine. How are you?"

"Harry you're so not fine," Niall stated. I set my pen and notebook down on the glass coffee table and crossed my arms.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're so obviously hung up on Louis. I know you guys aren't talking. Hell, you don't even make eye contact anymore. Was that thing at the club really such a big deal?"

"Fuck, Niall. I don't know, why don't you ask Louis? He wouldn't even let me apologize. I tried to, literally the day after it happened. He just cut me off and told me he 'knew I was sorry' and that I didn't need to explain myself." I sighed aggressively and shook my head. "I don't know what to do now."

"Apologize anyway," Niall suggested.


"Say sorry anyway. It can't hurt. I'm sure he'd take you back."

"Yeah right," I scoffed.

"He would."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because it's you two. You've been made for each other since the second you met."

I heard faint whispering, so I kept my eyes closed and listened intently.

"Guys, look. What are they doing out here?"

Out where? Where am I? I moved my fingers and felt . . . grass?

"Should we wake them up, or?"

I allowed my eyes to flutter open and I was met by the blue and white of the bright but cloudy sky. I squinted and pushed up onto my elbows.

"Hey Harry," Liam smirked. "Whatcha doing?"

"Um . . . I don't know." I admitted. Zayn, Liam, and Niall were standing a few feet away from me, each one of them grinning like an idiot. Only then did I turn my head to see the figure sound asleep beside me. I nudged Louis' arm and he shifted, groaning.

"Lou," I said. "Louis get up. We're outside." His eyes shot open and he sat up a little too quick.

"Agh, head rush," he complained, wincing.

"So um, anyone care to explain why you two are out here?" Niall asked. I looked at Louis who looked right back at me.

"We couldn't sleep so we came out here just to hang out and I guess we drifted off," Louis said honestly. I nodded. Liam and Zayn exchanged a look which I didn't understand, but I chose to ignore it.

"Alright well we came to find you to tell you breakfast is ready. It's pancakes so don't let them get cold," Liam said, before the three guys turned and left us sitting in the grass.

I looked at Louis once more and watched as he gently rubbed his eyes. He didn't even look bad, having just woken up. He was a good looking guy, pretty much all the time. He looked at me and I stared at his piercing blue eyes. I loved them.

I totally had a crush on Louis, but I couldn't tell him. He was two years older than me, and I was sure that he only thought of this as a friendship. I was fine with that too. As long as I had Louis in my life I was happy.

I moved to stand up but Louis grabbed my wrist.

"I had a really weird dream." I sat back down and crossed my legs.

"Ooh what was it?" I asked curiously.

"Well," he began, looking at his hand that was twirling a blade of grass. "We had just performed in the finals of the X-Factor and we won. And we were all celebrating and . . ." he trailed off.


"And you . . . you kissed me."

I could feel my face turn beet red as my eyes widened. I quickly looked away from him, embarrassed. No wonder he thought it was weird. I swallowed nervously and then brought my gaze back to him. He then shifted in the grass, closer to me. I frowned, confused. I felt my pulse quicken as he moved even closer, until our faces were only inches apart.

"I just wanna . . ." he whispered, before he leaned in and connected his lips with mine. Shocked at first, I didn't move, but when I realized what was happening I kissed him back. Dear god I hoped I wasn't the one dreaming now. My stomach was filled with butterflies as he placed one hand on my cheek gently. It only lasted a few seconds, and when he pulled away I looked at him, eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, I just—"

"No, don't apologize," I managed. "I um . . . I liked it." He smiled at the ground which was just the most adorable thing I'd ever seen. I stared at him for a while before breaking out of my trance. "We should uh, go get breakfast."

"Oh, yeah, right," he responded, standing up. He held out his hand for me which I gladly took, letting him pull me up. We then walked towards the house, side by side, my mind replaying the previous moment over and over.

I smiled weakly at Niall.

"Okay, yes, sure, maybe we're meant to be. But that doesn't change the fact that I hurt him. Even if he did forgive me, I don't know how I'd forgive myself."

"My god, Harry. It's not that big of a deal. You got jealous and you acted out. But that's over and done now. That was a whole month ago," Niall reminded. "You need to talk to him."

I nodded. "Okay. I will. But I have to figure out exactly what to say. I don't want to start talking to him without knowing what I'm doing." Niall glanced inside, and I followed his gaze to see Liam and Louis talking on the couch, and Louis was . . . crying?

I frowned, hoping it didn't have to do with me. Niall looked at me and put his hand on my leg.

"Just, don't wait too long, okay?"


A/N: So I'm hoping this chapter was alright. I kinda liked it. Hopefully more interesting events will be happening soon. Do you like the little flashbacks?

Thanks for reading!

~bee. xo.

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