Release Party

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Harry's POV

I watched silently from my place in the group as Niall happily cut into the huge cake while everyone cheered. We were all gathered in the lounge room of my house.

"Here's to many more albums to come!" he shouted and the cheering increased. The entire room was oozing happiness, and my body was absorbing it like never before. I was surrounded by people who loved and supported me, celebrating the release of One Direction's sixth album. The feeling was indescribable.

"Congrats, bro." Gemma beamed at me, a glass of champagne in her hand.

"Thanks, love."

"So," she frowned. "Is Louis still dating that random chick?" I almost spit out the sip of my drink that I'd taken as I shook my head violently, trying not to choke.

"No. Absolutely not," I breathed.

"Good because he's so obviously in love with you," she said rather loudly.

"Gemma!" I gasped, dragging her into a corner. "We don't want people knowing we're back together!" I whisper-shouted at her.

"Why the hell not?" she scoffed. I watched as her champagne came dangerously close to spilling when she gestured largely. "You two had no trouble kissing in front of a billion cameras before." She hadn't gotten any quieter.

"Can you keep it down? Look, we're happy, and we don't want management or the media ruining anything, so we're keeping everything under wraps . . . at least for now. Only certain people can know," I explained. And just as I'd finished, an arm draped over my shoulder.

"Well look, it's the Styles siblings. Hi Gemma," Louis greeted, smiling widely.

"Louis you love my brother, right?" I glared at her, blood racing to my cheeks.

Louis glanced between her and I, clearly trying to figure out what he'd missed. "I-um, yeah. Yeah I do. Harry does she um . . ."

"Yes, she knows," I sighed, dropping my gaze to the floor.

"In his defence, he didn't tell me. I just knew," Gemma added and I nodded. Louis giggled and his grip tightened around my shoulders. I leaned into him, bumping him with my hip. "And I hate to break it to you, but if you don't want everyone to know, you should stop acting so coupley."

Louis took his arm away from me and shifted his feet so we were separated. I looked him in the eye and almost saw disappointment, but I tried my best to ignore it. I knew it was hard for him to hide his emotions. I ran my hand along his arm in an attempt to comfort him, but he flinched at my touch.

"I should go . . . mingle," he said before wandering off and disappearing into a crowd of people. I could feel the sad expression on my face but I couldn't get it to go away.

"It's okay, Harry," Gemma said. "One day you two will be open about it, right?" I nodded slowly. "So for now just try to ignore it and have some fun! You guys just released a new album and everyone's loving it! That's worth celebrating. Have some cake before Niall eats it all," she joked. I smiled weakly and then kissed her cheek before wandering off to talk with other people. Before I reached the crowd a hand grabbed my arm and yanked me into the guest bedroom.

"What the—"

"Ugh, finally," Louis groaned as he shut the door and turned to face me. "I've been trying to get close to you all night and it's just impossible."

"Oh come on, Lou. It's not that bad. You can stand to be away from me for a few hours." I tilted my head to the side, raising my eyebrows at him. He took a step towards me and put his hands on my biceps.

"Not when you look like this," he said, his voice low and eager. I looked down at myself and rolled my eyes. I was just wearing a pink button up and black jeans.

I shook my head. "You're ridiculous."

"You're sexy, what can I say?" he grinned before leaning in and capturing my lips with his own. My eyes fluttered closed as I was overtaken by the incredible feeling I got every time he kissed me, even after all this time. My skin tingled as his hands slipped under the hem of my shirt, grabbing onto my waist roughly.

I pushed him back by the shoulders and looked him in the eye. "Louis," I panted, out of breath. "There are people right outside that door who are here for us. We should be out there socializing instead of in here . . . canoodling."

"Canoodling?" he scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. I frowned as his hands left me. "Who says canoodling, Harry?"

"Forget it, you know what I mean."

"They won't notice our absence."

"Like hell they will! This party is about us, Lou. Please, you can wait until later, I'm—"

Suddenly he was on his knees in front of me, tugging at my zipper slowly. He looked up at me, his eyes peeking out through his long eyelashes. I watched as he undid my jeans and hooked his fingers on the top of my boxers.

"Louis, seriously, you can't just—agh, shit." My eyes squeezed shut as he wrapped his hand around my cock in one swift move. My breath hitched as he stroked up and down my length in painfully slow motions and I felt myself hardening. And then, without warning, he took me into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the tip. "Louis," I moaned, reaching down and tangling my fingers in his caramel brown hair. Out of habit I tugged him forward, forcing him to take me all in. This, however, was no problem for him. He continued to bob his head on my now throbbing member with ease. My moans got caught in my throat as my hips bucked towards him, keeping time with his movements. "Lou, I-I'm gonna—oh fuck." I bit down hard on my bottom lip as I released into Louis' mouth. It was embarrassingly quick, but we hadn't done anything in a while, what can I say. He swallowed my come as if it were second nature to him.

Standing up in front of me, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes dark as they stared deep into mine. I opened my mouth to say something—although I'm not sure what—but he cut me off by grabbing the back of my neck and kissing me deeply. I could taste myself on his lips and it was unbearably hot. When he pulled away he licked his lips and grinned.

"See you later," he said casually before turning on his heel and heading for the door. Just before he reached it he stopped in front of a mirror. "Look what you did to my hair! I look like I've just—"

"You look like you've just secretly sucked off your boyfriend in the middle of a fairly formal party. That's how you look," I commented. He ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to smooth it down, and once he'd pretty much fixed it he turned to me once more.

"Don't forget to do up your jeans, Harry. Wouldn't want to be inappropriate, would we?" He winked cheekily before heading back outside, leaving me smiling like an idiot, pants still undone. I sighed to myself and shook my head, wiping my lips with my thumb and forefinger.

I'm so getting him back later.


A/N: so my reads have suddenly started going up really fast? yeah yeah I know I'm only at like two-hundred-something but to me thats a lot. I just wish someone would comment!! i am in desperate need of feedback here!!

that was another sort of filler chapter but I promise I have actual plot planned, dw. I hope you're liking the story. If you're here reading this I really really appreciate it

hahaaa "release" party no pun intended hahahaaaaa

lots of love <3333

~bee. xo.

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