Orange Blossom

59 1 6

Louis' POV

"Hazza! Come here please," I called from the shower. I wasn't even sure if he was still home, but I hoped and prayed that he was. I stood still for a moment, the hot water falling over me and beating on my back pleasantly. After a while I heard the door creak open.

"Yeah?" the familiar voice of my boyfriend called from the doorway. I could just picture him poking his head in. I leaned out of the shower and smiled at him sweetly.

"Would you hand me a new bottle of shampoo, pretty please?" I sang. "I think there's one in the cabinet." Harry rolled his eyes but stepped into the steamy room nonetheless. I watched as he fished around in the cabinet for a few seconds.

"Have you been using the orange kind or the green kind?" he asked.

"The orange kind. The green one makes my hair feel all gross, and it barely even cleans it. I don't know why you buy it, to be completely honest. Doesn't it bother you?" Harry stepped towards me and held out a tall bottle of orange blossom scented shampoo. "Thanks," I murmured.

"I always thought the green one was nice. I've never had any problems with it."

"Well, you did spent the entirety of 2015 with greasy hair, so maybe you just don't pay enough attention to it," I giggled. Harry smacked my wet shoulder.

"Oh shut up. My hair was fantastic. No one does long hair as well as me." He flicked his hair back dramatically and I laughed. The motion looked ridiculous now that his hair was only medium length. I stepped back under the water and poured a little too much shampoo into my palm before massaging it into my hair.

"You still in here?" I asked. Harry hummed in response. "You should grow your hair out again. It looked good. I liked it. I mean, don't get me wrong, your hair looks great any length but it was nice when it was-"

"Yep, Lou. I get it." I could hear his grin in his voice. "Why do you think I haven't had a haircut in months? It'll get there eventually."

There was a moment of silence with only the sound of the running water filling the room before Harry spoke once more.

"Oh, and make sure you don't spend too much time in there. My mum and Gemma are coming over in like half an hour and your sisters should be here shortly after that."

I nearly slipped and fell on a drop of soap beneath my feet. "Half an hour? Harry what the hell how am I supposed to get ready in that amount of time my hair will be all wet and oh god I don't know what I'm going to wear I mean I have to look decent I can't just throw something together and-"

"Louis!" he shouted, interrupting my panicked ramble. "It's fine. Take your time. If they get here and you're not ready it's not the end of the world. I can just chat with them and wait for you, okay?" I nodded to myself even though I knew he couldn't see me. "Alright. I'm going to go back downstairs. See you down there?"

"Yep. Sounds good."


Laughter filled the room as I breathed in the smell of a scented candle Harry had lit only moments before our families arrived. It smelled so much like Christmas that it made me feel all fuzzy inside. We were all sat around the coffee table chatting about random things. Harry was between my legs on the sofa, his back rested on my chest and my arms wrapped around his torso. Anne and Gemma were on the couch opposite us along with Phoebe and Daisy while Lottie and Fizzy were next to Harry and I.

"So basically, I told him that I wasn't interested, and he had to let it go, and that was that. But then he showed up at my hotel and started begging me to go out with him!" Lottie explained.

when it all began | l.s.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant