A second chance?

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Jimin had left my room first, claiming that he had to go do something. I know that he probably just went to talk to one of his hyungs about what I told him.

I understand where he is coming from though. Now that I have gotten to know Jimin, I know that he is a caring guy who will do anything for his friends. He just wants Taehyung and I to be happy, so he keeps pushing the idea of us being together. He means well, but he should just stop trying.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Jungkook asks me quietly, still sitting next to me on my bed. I nod and he sighs, making me turn to look at him.

"I know that you're scared (Y/N), but I really do think that you should at least let Taehyung try and change himself. If he really likes you, he will do whatever it takes in order to change for you. He has never liked anyone before, so its hard for him, but if you let him he could make you happy."

"I thought you were on my side?" I say with a sarcastic chuckle, the smile sliding off my face as soon as the sound leaves my mouth. He had stuck up for me when Jimin was here so I had assumed that he respected my decision. 

"Thats not it (Y/N)" he says patiently, trying to get me to look at him again. He hesitantly moves so that he is sitting in front of me, his eyes soft as he talks.

"Yes, I agree that Taehyung's behavior and attitude towards you has been unacceptable, and you have every right to not want to go near him. But he's a good guy when you get to know him. You saw how Jimin changed for you. He was brought up a certain way, moments in his life defining who he was. Once he realized that he wanted to be your friend he changed, and he has been working on changing ever since. You gave Jimin a second chance after what he did to you, but you won't give Tae one?"

My eyes widen at what he said before he stands up, patting the top of my affectionately before he goes. 

"Just think about it" he mumbles before smiling and walking out of my room, closing the door behind him and leaving me with a jumble of thoughts. 

I don't want to listen to what he said due to my stubborn nature, but he's right. I was set on hating Jimin for what he did to me. He used his powers to make me want to have sex with him when I obviously didn't want to. He also tried to do it again, but Taehyung walked in on him doing that and put a stop to it. Once I found out why Jimin did those things and why he acted the way he does, I felt a surge of empathy towards him.

I gave him a second chance because I felt as if he had been led astray. What makes Taehyung any different? I saw the way he acted around his father at the ball. He is stoic around here as well, but he was even more so around the man that raised him. He look almost scared to be in the same room as him, his emotions shut tight as he had stood still with tensed muscles. 

Maybe thats why he can never relax and be himself here. He grew up pretending to be something that he wasn't, which made him into who he is today. I want to ignore him for all of the horrible things that he has done to me, but can I really? After what I did for Jimin, could I actually be able to do that for Taehyung as well?

A startled squeak leaves my mouth when I look up and see the guy I was just thinking about standing right in front of me. His eyes are filled with an emotion that I can't distinguish, it disappearing as soon as I look more closely. 

"T-Taehyung" I stutter nervously, aware of the fact that we are alone. "What are you doing here?"

"I uh.......I knocked, but you didn't answer" he says instead, not answering my question. He instead walks a little bit closer to where I am still sitting, my heart beating faster in my chest the closer he gets. He moves to sit beside me before thinking better of it, stopping and remaining standing instead. 

"My dad is coming to visit in a couple of days" he says in a monotone voice, obviously not happy about this news. I can see his jaw clench at the mention of his father, his low voice gruff and lacking emotion.

"When he comes, don't do anything rash. Don't speak unless you are spoken to, and do whatever he says."

"What?" my eyes widen in disbelief, not wanting to believe that I will actually have to listen to such a horrible man. "What will he do if I don't?"

"Just-" he stops, obviously about to lose his temper from all of my questioning. I watch as he takes a deep breath before opening his eyes once more, them locking me in place. I have said this numerous times before, but I can't help but find his eyes to be beautiful. They are unnaturally blue, like the others', but for some reason I find them to be different; more intriguing. 

He doesn't say anything for a while, his eyes flickering between the two of mine as he thinks to himself. I can practically see the inner conflict in his hypnotizing orbs, unable to look away from him. I have never seen this many emotions in his eyes before, concern and reluctance standing out the most.

"I don't want anything to happen" he finally states after what seems like a few minutes, his voice barely over a whisper. My mouth parts in awe at the frown on his face, not expecting this from him. He's never really shown how he was feeling before, but right now I can see his walls slowly cracking in places.

He reaches towards me as if to touch my cheek when he stops. I didn't realize that I had flinched away from him until he bites his bottom lip and turns away from me, walking out of my door without another word. I hadn't meant to at all. In that moment, I had actually felt as if Taehyung was a normal person, his concern for my safety more than evident.

He is changing, just like Jungkook said. If I gave Jimin another chance, then I guess I should give Taehyung one as well.

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