The Prophecy

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I woke up to my uncle Leviathan jumping on my bed. You guys know Leviathan, right? Demon of envy. He's not my uncle by blood, but he's close enough. "Uncle Levi stop jumping," I said. He continued to jump. "Levi, if you do not stop jumping I will kick you," I threatened. He immediately stopped.

"Your dad is waiting for you in the kitchen," he said.

"Tell him I'll be down in an hour." Uncle Levi left my room while I got ready. I took a shower then threw on my grey crop top, ripped blue skinny jeans, and my black heels. I went down to the kitchen to see my dad attempting to make breakfast. "Dad, you're going to burn the castle down."

"I thought I would do something for you since today is your special day," he said. He threw the burnt eggs in the trash and tossed the pan in the sink. Guess we won't be eating breakfast this morning.

"Dad I don't get why I can't just take the throne on my 18th birthday without having my mate with me," I complained. He wants me to leave Hell today to find my mate, so I can be ready to take the throne on my 18th birthday, which is in three weeks.

"If you don't find your mate you can't take over the throne," he said.

"Says who?" I asked.

"Hell's Council," he said. You see Hell's Council are the people who advise the King and Queen of Hell. The Council consists of Leviathan, the demon of envy, Lucifer, the demon of pride, Mammon, the demon of greed, Asmodeus, the demon of lust, Beelzebub, the demon of gluttony, Belphegor, the demon of laziness, and my dad, Satan, he's the demon of wrath.

"But dad, you're part of Hell's Council. Can't you pull some strings?" I asked.

"No it wouldn't be fair and you know it," he said.

"Fine, I'll go and pack," I told him. I don't understand why I have to rule with my mate. My dad rules perfectly fine without my mom. My mom, Callie, died just a few weeks after I was born. I was told that rogue demons came into my nursery and tried to take me. My dad said that my mom did everything she could to stop them and it worked, but she died in the process. 

About 2 hours later I was all packed. I didn't know how long I was going to be there so I packed a lot of things. I had to go to The Council's meeting room so they could open the portal for me. On the way there I ran into Kayla. Let's just say we don't get along very well. 

"Watch it!" she said as she ran into me. On purpose might I add.

"Well maybe you shouldn't be such a clutz," I retorted back.

"That's a little rude coming from the future queen of Hell. But I would expect it considering who your mom was," she said with a smirk. That made me angry. Nobody has ever talked about my mom like she just did. I felt my whole body heat up. It felt like fire was running through my veins.

"Nobody talks about my mom like that," I said in a voice that wasn't mine.  I had been pushed into the back of my mind watching the scene unfold.

"And what are you going to do about it," she remarked.

I smirked and gave her a glare. Then a fireball shot out of my hand and into Kayla. She flew back and fell into the wall making the castle shake. Not even two minutes later The Council came running.

"What's going on?" my dad asked.

"I'll tell you what's going on, your crazy daughter shot me with a fireball and almost killed me," Kayla said.

"Is this true?" my dad asked me.

"Yes, but I didn't do it on purpose I swear," I told him.

"Kayla you may leave," my dad told her. She left with no comment.

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