Second Chance Mate

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I woke up still snuggled into Saxon's chest. I slowly got up but realized Saxon's arm was around me. I carefully picked it up and put it across his chest. I tiptoed to the door and opened, hoping it wouldn't make a sound. I stepped out into the hallway and was met face to face with Isabella.

"Good, I was about to come looking for you," I said.

"About what?" she questioned.

I quickly dragged her into her room, so we wouldn't be heard.

"I think Saxon is my second chance mate," I whispered.

"That's great!" she yelled. 

"Shhh!" I said.

"Sorry," she whispered. 

"The only way to find out for sure is to reject Ethan," she said. 

"I know. I have a plan for that," I said as I walked out of the room.

I walked back to my room and saw the bed was empty. I turned to leave and was met with a hard chest.

"Ouch," I said rubbing my nose. The chest vibrated and I looked up.

"Saxon, it's not funny," I playfully scolded him. 

"Come on, let's go get some breakfast," he said as he grabbed my hand. 

We walked downstairs, still hand in hand. When we walked into the kitchen Ethan and my dad were sitting at the table. Ethan looked at our intertwined hands and let out a low growl at Saxon. 

"Back off mutt," Saxon spat. Ethan got out of his chair and started walking towards us. I quickly jumped in between them.   

"Ethan sit down we have to talk," I said. 

Right on cue, Isabella walked into the kitchen. 

"Glad you could join us, Isabella. I was about to tell Ethan his choices," I said as she sat down. A maid placed a cup of blood in front of me and I nodded her a thank you. 

"Okay Ethan, you can either tell me how to get Ash back or I reject you as my mate," I said bluntly.

Ethan sat there, stunned. 

I snapped my fingers in front of him. "Did I stutter? Tell me or I will reject you right now. And don't say you don't know, because I know you do," I said. 

"You won't reject me. You can't," he said. 

"I Jennifer, reject--," I started.

"You have to kill an angel!" he said hurriedly. 

Pleased with his answer I turned to the guards. "Lock them up," I said. 

The guards removed my dad and Ethan from the kitchen.

"So when do you want to go meet your mom?" Isabella asked.

"Today, I just have to pack. I was hoping you guys would come with me," I said hopefully.

"Duh," Isabella said with a smile.

"Where else would I be?" Saxon said with a small chuckle.

When Saxon and Isabella left to go pack I went down to the cells. I slowly walked passed each cell until I got to Ethan's.

"I Jennifer, reject you Ethan as my mate," I said.

"But you said--," he started as pain crossed his face.

"Well some people just can't be forgiven," I said with a smirk.

I walked up to the guard. "Kill them," I said pointing to my dad and Lucus, "Kill Ethan in about two hours. He deserves to suffer. I would do it myself, but these are new boots and I don't want blood on them."

I walked up the stairs and went to my room. When I reached my room I smelled the scent of lemons and vanilla. I hurriedly opened the door and stepped inside the room, where Saxon was sitting on my bed. His eyes snapped to mine.

"Mate!" a voice said in my head. 

"You're my inner vampire aren't you?" I asked. 

"Yeah, my name is Cassie," she said.

"I'm glad I have you," I said.

"Me too," Cassie replied.

"Mate," Saxon said.

I ran into his arms and he hugged me tightly. I breathed in his scent. He pulled me back.

"You rejected Ethan," he stated. 

"Yeah, I had a feeling about you and me," I said with a smile.

"Well, since you were gone for so long, I took the liberty of packing your bag," he said as he presented my duffel bag. 

I took the bag in one hand and Saxon's hand in the other. We walked downstairs, where Isabella was waiting by the front door. We stopped in front of her and looked at each other.

"Well, go on, tell her," Saxon urged me. 

"Tell me what?" Isabella asked.

"I was right, Saxon and I are second chance mates," I said.

She ran at me and hugged me, almost knocking me down.

"I am so happy for you guys," she said, "So when are you guys going to have little Jennifers and Saxons running around?"

"Isabella!" I hissed. Saxon let out a laugh.

"Well come on guys, I've got a mother to meet," I said as I walked out of the door. 

Isabella made a portal that opened to the Vampire King and Queen's castle. Isabella stepped through then Saxon and me. When we stepped out on the other side of the portal we were met with a gorgeous castle. 

I grabbed Isabella's and Saxon's hands as we walked up the stairs leading to the front door. I stepped forward and knocked on the door. The door was opened by a young boy no younger than ten years old.

"Yes?" the boy questioned.

"Hello, I am Jennifer, the Queen of hell and this is the King of hell and my mate Saxon, and my friend Isabella, the Queen of witches. We are here to see the Queen of vampires," I said with a smile.  

"The Queen is busy, you will have to come back another time," he said as he started to close the door. I put my hand on the door and pushed it with a bit of force.

"I'm sure she'll see me. Tell her it's her daughter."

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