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"Sam, will you please take Riley upstairs we have important matters to discuss," Caleb said. 

As the maid took Riley upstairs Melody turned back to me. 

"On a what?!" Melody asked.

"An angel hunt. In order to get my demon back I have to kill an angel," I said.

"So why don't we give you our support and some of our fighters to help you," Caleb said, "Surely you don't need to rule the kingdom."

"Well, I'm expecting the royal werewolves to declare war on me, now that I've killed two of their Alphas. Not to mention the throne is mine to hold," I said.

"Actually it's mine," Chris joined in, "I've been groomed to take over the throne. My coronation is in two days."

"Jennifer has been groomed as well. It might not have been this throne, but she is still qualified," Isabella said.

"The council will never allow this," Melody said.

"Neither will I," Chris pointed out. 

"How dare he disrespect us," Cassie snarled out.

I stood up and walked around the table. 

"You will not believe the things I have done to get my demon back. I have killed two packs and two Alphas. One Alpha was my mate. I killed my own father as revenge. And let's not forget that I burned Hell's council alive."

"I won't let you take my throne," Chris said.

"He doesn't have a choice," Cassie said smugly.

"I didn't let an entire council get in my way. What makes you think I'll let a little boy," I seethed.

Chris bared his fangs and lunged at me, aiming for my throat. Saxon and Isabella tried to interfere, but I had it handled. Before his teeth could tear into my throat I shot my hand into his chest and clutched his beating heart.

"You go, girl," Cassie cheered me on. 

"Thanks," I replied.

"My coronation is tomorrow or I rip your heart out right now," I threatened.

"Take it. Take the throne," Melody said desperately.  

I took my hand out of his chest and snatched a napkin off of the table.

"Now was that so hard," I said as I wiped my hand off. 

"I'll have a maid show you and your friends to your rooms," Caleb said. 

"Thank you, "Saxon said.

"Yes, this gathering was very interesting," Isabella said as we walked out of the dining hall.

The maid showed us to our rooms, which were right across from each other.

"Isabella, come in here," I said as I walked into Saxon and I's room. 

She followed me into the room and shut and locked the door behind her.

"I can't believe they gave you the throne," Isabella said as she sat on my bed. I took a seat on the couch next to Saxon and looked at Isabella.

"They didn't give it to me."

"Did they really think we were that stupid," Cassie said.

"I know right," I said in disbelief. 

"Um, were you not there? They clearly said you could have the throne," Isabella said.

"Yes, and I told Ethan I wouldn't reject him and look where we are now. You saw how desperate Melody was. She only said that to save her son," I said.

"So what are we expecting?" Saxon asked. I stood up and walked to the middle of the room.

"An assassination," I said. 

"So you want them to try and kill you. Why?" Isabella asked.

"We can try them for the attempted murder of the Queen of Hell. Then when they are beheaded we can announce that I am the rightful heir," I said.

"Need me to stay in here tonight?" Isabella asked.

"Actually, yes. Do you think you can do some kind of recording spell?" I asked.

"Duh, they don't call me the most powerful witch for nothing," she said in a playful tone. She closed her eyes and muttered a few words. She opened her eyes and looked at us.

"Done," she said.

"Saxon, can you recharge me?" I asked. 

"Of course," he replied. He shot his fire into my body and I felt my veins heat up.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"No problem," he said.

"Okay, so we wait," Isabella said.

"We wait," I agreed. 

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