Wedding Planning

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Isabella transported us back to the throne room in my castle in Hell. Just as we took our seats Caleb and Melody were being dragged into the throne room. I stood and looked around the room. This was a closed trial so only the people who worked in the castle could attend. 

"Hello, we are here to witness the trial of Caleb and Melody for the attempted murder of your Queen," I announced. I sat down and looked at Caleb and Melody.

"What do you plead?" Saxon asked. Melody and Caleb looked at each other.

"Guilty. We plead guilty," Melody said as she closed her eyes. 

"All righty then," I said as I stood up, "Melody and Caleb you are both sentenced to death. Any last words?" 

"My son will come back for the throne and when he does he will rip you apart limb by limb and shove your appendix down your mate's throat," Melody seethed. 

"He can try," Cassie scoffed. 

I stalked up to her and kneeled on one knee in front of her, "If I ever see either your son's faces again I'll rip their hearts out and feed them to the wolves. Now have fun rotting in Hell, I hear it's just  scorching this time of the year."

Melody looked at me with fear in her eyes. Caleb grabbed her hand and all of the fear melted from her eyes. She gave Caleb a small smile and nodded. One of my guards came forward and with a swipe of his sword, they were both beheaded. Their heads rolled on the ground until they slowed to a stop. 

"Someone clean this up, please," I said. I grabbed Saxon and Isabella's hand and led them into my bedroom. 

"Sit sit!" I said excitedly. They looked at me confused.

"What's going on?" Isabella questioned. 

"Well as you know Saxon and I decided to have the wedding after I get my demon back," I started.

"Yes," Isabella urged me to go on. 

"I want to start planning it now. Starting with the dress," I finished. Isabella jumped up and hugged me.

"We are going to find you the perfect dress!" she said jumping up and down. I grabbed her shoulders and held her in place.

"I also have a question for you," I said.

"Yeah?" she said skeptically.

I let out a laugh, "It's nothing bad. I was just wondering if you would be my maid of honor?"

Isabella looked at me like a deer in headlights, until she started screaming and jumping up and down like a crazy person. Saxon gave her a small chuckle and shook his head. 

"YES! We have so much to do. The guest list, floral arrangements, color schemes, the dress. Oh! The dress we better get started!" By now she was pacing the room and waving her hands around. And I didn't mind, because right now I felt like a normal bride to be. Not a bride to be who has to wait to marry her fiance because she doesn't have her demon.

"Jay? Jay, are you listening?" Isabella asked, snapping her fingers in front of my face. 

"Yeah," I said snapping out of my daze. She grabbed my hand and sat me down on the couch. 

"Consider me your wedding planner," Isabella said with a beaming smile.

"What! No! You don't have to do all of that," I said.

"But I want to," she said with hopeful eyes.

"But-" I started before I was interrupted by Saxon. 

"Just let her do it," he said chuckling.

I looked up at Isabella and I caved, "Okay."

"Great! So what do you have in mind for the dress?" Isabella asked. 

"Strapless, sweetheart neckline, and a ballgown style," I said.

"Ooh! I know a designer, he can make this the dress of your dreams! Let me go make a call," she said as she left the room. Saxon walked over and sat next to me. 

"She wasn't supposed to do this. She is supposed to tell me which flower arrangements to pick and what dress looks absolutely horrendous," I said. 

"She can still do all of that," Saxon said pulling me in for a hug. Isabella walked back in the room and I patted the seat next to me, "Come sit." She sat down and I pulled her in for a hug. And as we sat there I realized something.

Things were finally started to feel right. 

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