Mother, I'm home

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"My mother has no daughter," the boy said. 

"Mother?" I questioned.

"You have a brother," Isabella stated.

Another boy walked up to the door. "What's going on Riley?"

"This girl claims that she's mom's daughter, Chris," the younger boy said. 

Getting tired of waiting I opened my wings and Saxon did the same. Isabella smirked. We all shoved passed the two boys and walked into the castle.

"Mother, I'm home," I said.

A woman wearing a crown walked down the stairs. Her eyes Immediately snapped to Saxon and I's wings.

"What are these demons doing in my castle?" the Queen questioned. 

"You don't recognize your own daughter," I said with mock hurt.

Her eyes widened and she walked towards me.

"Jennifer," she whispered.

"In the flesh," I said. 

"You waged war on us," she said.

"Maybe we could talk about this over a cup of blood. I really am starving." I said with a smile.

"Of course," she said, "Follow me."

We all followed her into the dining hall where we took our seats. 

"These are my two sons, Riley and Chris and I'm Melody," she said.

I took in their appearances. The older one, Chris, had brown hair and green eyes. The younger one, Riley, had blonde hair and grey eyes. Melody had jet black hair that was curly and electric blue eyes. 

"I'm Jennifer and this Saxon, my second chance mate and King of Hell, and this is my friend Isabella, Queen of Witches," I said.

"Chris go get your father," Melody said as a maid placed a cup of blood in front of me.

"Thank you," I said. She nodded and walked away. 

"Last I checked Amelia was the Queen of witches," Melody said in confusion.

"The throne was rightfully Isabella's. I just helped her get back what was hers," I said innocently.

"I see. And what's this I hear about a second chance mate?" Melody questioned.

"Oh, I rejected my mate and had him killed," I stated. 

A look of shock crossed Melody's face before she quickly composed herself.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that," she said. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Chris and a man, presumably his father, walk in. 

"Caleb, this is my daughter, Jennifer," Melody said as she walked over to the man. He had blonde hair and green eyes.

"This is Saxon and Isabella," I said motioning to them. 

Caleb turned to Melody, "Why is she here?" 

"I'm not too sure," Melody said as she turned to me. 

"Well, I'm here to see if I still want to wage war," I said folding my hands together.

"And what of your father? I'm sure you know I want his head on a silver platter," Caleb said. 

"I could have that arranged," I said. 

"I'm not sure I follow," Caleb said.

"I had him killed, he and Ethan, my last mate, took away my demon. They both got what they deserved," I said smugly.

"Son of a bitch," Chris muttered under his breath.

"Daughter of a bitch actually," Isabella piped up. Saxon let out a chuckle.

"Nice one," Cassie said.

"Simmer down, girl," I said with a smile.

"So if your dad is dead why would you want to wage war?" Melody asked. 

"Well, technically I am your first child, which means I an next in line for the throne. The throne that I want," I said. 

"But your already ruling Hell. Why add another kingdom?" Caleb asked. 

I looked at Saxon and Isabella.

"She found out how to get her demon back," Saxon said. 

Everybody's eyes were focused on me. I looped my arm through Isabella's and I looked Caleb straight in the eye.

"We're going on an angel hunt," I said as I raised my glass of blood to my lips.

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