Queen Of Witches

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I woke up to Isabella jumping on my bed. "Isabella what are you doing?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Waking you up," she said trying to sound innocent. Keyword trying.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I asked still half asleep. 

"Like eight in the morning," she replied. 

"Is the Queen here?" I asked.

"No, but I thought you would want to stretch your wings," she said. 

"Your right," I said as I got out of bed. We both quickly got dressed and headed outside. "Go ahead. I'll practice some spells," Isabella said. I excitedly opened my wings and shot into the air. I laid on my back and let my wings guide me through the air. I was about to fly back to the ground, but I saw something dart across the sky. It looked like it had wings like mine.

I shot across the sky trying to catch it, but it had too much of a headstart. Giving up I flew back to the ground. "Hey, where did you go?" Isabella asked.

"I saw something fly past me and I'm pretty sure they had wings like mine," I said. 

"Wait, do you think there's someone else apart of the prophecy?" she asked.

"I have no idea, but I think we should try and find out," I said.

"Yeah," Isabella agreed. We went back inside where we were met with Lila. "Where were you guys? I was looking all over for you," she said.

"Sorry, we were just going for a walk," I lied smoothly. I didn't want the Queen to know that I got my wings back.

"Okay, well the Queen is here. She wants you to join her for breakfast in the dining hall," Lila said.

"Okay, we will be there in a minute," Isabella said. When Lila left we headed back to my room so I could change, because my shirt now had holes in it. "I found a spell that can fix that," Isabella said pointing at the holes.

"How long does it last?" I asked.

"Until I cast the reversal spell," she said. 

"Can you do it now?" I asked. 

"Yeah," she said. She muttered a few words then looked up at me.

"You will have to wait until you fly again to see," she said. I finished getting ready and we headed out the door. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty nervous. I mean this is the Queen of witches we're talking about. She could incinerate me with or without my demon. But that's not going to stop me from lying to her. I need the Queen to think that I have no idea how to get my demon back, so I can see if she lies to me. If she lies I'll know we can't trust her. 

This castle had the exact same layout as the castle in Hell, so it didn't take us long to find the dining hall. When we entered the dining hall the Queen stood up and we started to bow. "Oh, please, none of that," she said with a smile. 

"Okay, your highness," Isabella said.

"And please, girls, call me Amelia," she said.

"Of course, Amelia. I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jay, and this is Isabella," I said.

"I'm surprised you found the dining hall so soon. Normally it takes people ages to get here," Amelia said with a small laugh. 

"Well, this castle has the exact same layout as the one we used to live in, "I said.

"I didn't know you guys were royalty," Amelia said.

"I'm not, but Jay is," Isabella said.

"Are you sure your not royalty? I can tell your a strong witch by all of the power radiating off of you," Amelia said to Isabella. 

"I'm sure. I'm just the only living descendant of Katherine Blake, the original witch," Isabella said with a small smirk. Amelia's face slightly fell, but she quickly covered it up.

"Well that's just lovely," Amelia said.

"Yes," Isabella agreed.

"What about you?" she asked.

"I am the Queen of Hell," I said. Queen. It feels weird to say that considering I ran away from my kingdom.

"I don't feel a lot of power radiating off of you," Amelia said.

"Yeah, my demon was taken away from me. That's actually why we're here," I said. 

"Well, what can I do to help?" Amelia asked taking a seat. Isabella and I took one as well.

"I was wondering---," I started before I was cut off by the dining hall doors crashing open. The Queen jumped out of her seat. "What is going on?" Amelia asked. Two guards walked in carrying a man between their arms. 

"We found him trying to break into the vault," the guard on the left said.

"Throw him in the dungeons, I'll deal with him later," the Queen said. The guards started to drag the man away, but he wasn't going without a fight. He headbutted the guard on the right and punched the guard on the left. But they weren't going down that easy. 

The guards both took chains and threw them at the man. They wrapped around the man's arms, but they didn't stay there long. All of a sudden the chain caught on fire. Isabella and I looked at each other but didn't have time to dwell on it. Wings suddenly sprouted out of the man's back. 

He was the thing I saw dart across the sky. 

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