Sharing Fire

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"There's a what?!" I asked. My dad might have taken away my demon, but he's still my dad and I don't want him dead. Well, at least I don't think I want him dead.

"How do you know this?" Isabella asked.

"When I was trying to break into that vault I heard some guards talking about it," Sax said.

"So the Queen is in on it," I said.

"Yeah," Sax said.

"So who's the King of vampires?" I asked.

"Caleb," Sax said.

"What do you want to do?" Isabella asked.

"I... I don't know. I need to think," I said as I walked out of the room. I walked outside and took a deep breath. I opened my wings and shot into the sky like a bullet. I found a branch and sat on it, looking at the sunset while thinking.

My dad might have hurt me, but he's still my dad. He's all the family I have left. I'm technically the Queen of Hell, so I could wage war on the vampires. And once Isabella takes over the throne we'll have the witches on our side. But the King and the Seven have to agree to the war, or else I can't do it. They'll never go for it. I mean I could kill them. I'll just cross that bridge when I get there.

I leaned backward and fell off the branch, letting my wings glide me down. Once I reached the ground I started walking towards the house. When I got inside  I quietly crept up the stairs, seeing as everyone was asleep. 

When I opened my door I screamed. Saxon was sitting on my bed. "What are you doing?!" I whisper yelled, trying not to wake up Isabella. 

"I had to make sure you got home soon, I was worried," he said.

"Okay, well, thanks," I said as I sat next to him on the bed.

"What did you decide?" he asked.

"I don't want him to die, so I've decided to wage war on the vampires. Once Isabella takes over the throne we'll have the witches on our side," I said.

"Good," Sax said as he got up.

I grabbed his arm. "Are you going to stay and help us?" I asked.

"There's only two of us," he said with a smile, "We've got to stick together."

I let go of his hand and got under the covers. 

"Goodnight," Sax said as he walked out the door.

"Goodnight," I said as I closed my eyes. 


I woke up to Isabella jumping on my bed again. "Get up!" she yelled in my ear causing me to fall off the bed. 

"Isabella, I just want to sleep," I whined. 

"Well, Saxon is outside flying. I told me to come and ask you if you wanted to join him," she said with a smile. I got up and got ready. When we were walking down the stairs Isabella kept smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I think someone has a crush on you," she said waggling her eyebrows. 

"What! No!" I said. But I couldn't help but smile. 

We got outside and I saw Saxon floating in the air. I opened my wings and flew up to him. He created a ring out of fire and I flew through it. This went on for hours. When we finally got tired of goofing around we went back into the house where Isabella was waiting for us. 

"What did you decide about your dad?" she asked.

"I'm going wage war on the vampires. But first, you are going to take over the throne," I said.

"Really? I don't think I can do it," she said.

"Of course you can! And if you need help Saxon and I will be there to help you," I said with a smile.

"Wait, you're staying?" she asked looking at Saxon.

"Yeah," he said.

"Well first we have to get Jennifer's fire back," Isabella said. 

"I can help with that," Saxon said. 

"How?" I asked.

"You can... Well, for lack of better words, I can share my fire with you," he said.

"What! How?" I asked.

"Basically I shoot you with fire. Since we wield fire we can't be killed by it. As long as some of my fire is still in you, you can use it at your disposal," he said. 

"Let's do it now," I said as I jumped up excitedly. We walked outside and stood across from each other. 

"If this goes wrong you'll step in, right?" I asked Isabella.

"Wow, I'm hurt," Sax said making a playful sad face.

"Don't worry, Jay," Isabella said.

"Okay, Saxon, light me up," I said. He shot his hand out and the fire was consuming me. Once it stopped I looked at him. 

"What now?" I asked him.

"Use your fire," he said with a grin. Isabella and Saxon stepped back as I raised my hands up. I started to feel the heat running through my veins and before I knew it the fire was racing out of my hands. 

I looked up at Saxon with the biggest smile on my face. 

"We did it!" I said.

"We did it!" he said as he picked me up and spun me around. There was a cough behind us and we turned around to see Isabella looking at us with raised eyebrows. Saxon quickly put me down. He cleared his throat nervously. 

"If you lovebirds are done we have to go," Isabella said.

"Go where?" Saxon asked.

"I have a throne to overthrow," Isabella said with a smirk.

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