Changing Up The Leadership

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Saxon stepped beside me and grabbed my hand again. We heard footsteps running down the stairs and I took a deep breath. I looked up and saw my dad, Ethan, and Levi.

"Jay?!" Ethan said stepping forward.

"In the flesh," I said. His eyes went to Saxon and I's interlocked hands. Ethan slightly growled making Saxon smirk. 

"Let her go," he growled out. Saxon simply shrugged his shoulders. Ethan's body began to shake and he was replaced with a black wolf. The wolf lunged at Saxon, who pushed me out of the way. I landed on the ground and instantly scanned the room to see if Isabella was safe. Once I saw her away from the fight I stood up.

I opened my wings and flew above the fight. I was about to intervene when Saxon opened his wings and lit them on fire. He flew up beside me, but Ethan decided to play dirty. He nodded at two guards and they threw daggers at Saxon's wings, making him fall out of the air.

I quickly flew after him and caught him before he hit the ground. Ethan stated to run at Saxon, but I stood in front of him. The wolf stopped about three feet away.

"If you want him you will have to go through me," I said. The wolf backed down. 

"And as for you," I said looking at the guards, "I don't care how long I have been gone, but I am the Queen and he might be the King, but I am of royal blood, so I outrank him. So don't you ever hurt my friends again," I said. They bowed their heads and left. 

I picked Saxon up off the ground. 

"Are you okay," I asked.

"Yeah. My wings will heal," he said as he put them away. 

"Now we have important business to talk about," I said.


Ethan's point of view

 When I heard Jay's voice I couldn't help but run towards it. I was beyond happy and so was my wolf. 'She came back,' my wolf yipped. When I had finally reached the bottom of the stairs I saw my mate, another girl, and a guy, who was holding my mates hand.

"Let her go," I growled out. The guy shrugged his shoulders and gave me a smirk. I felt my body begin to shake and my human form was replaced with my wolf. I lunged at the guy, who pushed Jay out of the way. Before I could reach him he flew into the air, next to my mate, and his wings lit on fire. 

I nodded at the guards and they threw daggers at the man's wings, making him fall out of the air. Before he hit the ground Jay caught him. I started to run at the guy, but my mate stepped in front of him, making me skid to a halt. 

"If you want him you'll have to go through me," she said fiercely. I immediately backed off. 

"And as for you," she said looking at the guards, "I don't care how long I have been gone, but I am the Queen and he might be the King, but I am of royal blood, so I outrank him. So don't you ever hurt my friends again," she said. They bowed their heads and left.

She picked the guy up off the ground.

"Are you okay," she asked.

"Yeah. My wings will heal," he said as he put them away.

"Now we have important business to talk about," my mate said.

"We can talk in my office," Satan said as he started walking up the stairs.  I stayed behind, so I could shift back and get some clothes. After I shifted and got dressed I raced up the stairs and into the office. 

"Now what do we need to talk about?" Levi asked as he closed the door. 


Jennifer's point of view

Ethan's eyes never left Saxon.

"If you're going to stare you can leave," I said looking at Ethan. He shot a glare at Saxon but stopped staring. 

"First thing, there is a new Queen of witches," I said.

"Who?" Levi asked. 

"Isabella," I said pointing at her. Everybody looked at her.

"And what happened to Amelia?" my dad asked. 

"I killed her," Isabella said propping her feet up on my dad's desk.

"The King of vampires is after you dad. And even though you were a complete dick for taking away my demon your still my dad, so I decided to wage war on the vampires," I said. Everybody looked at me in shock. I usually don't curse, but I am still mad about the incident earlier. 

"No! You could get killed out there! I can't let you go out there!" Ethan said jumping up.

"I wasn't asking your permission," I snapped.

"I don't care!" he said walking towards me, "You are still my mate."

 "I stopped being your mate the second you took my demon away. So back off," I said. Ethan rolled his eyes and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Well, you know The Council is going to have to agree to this war, right?" my dad said. 

"Well they have to unless they want to die," Saxon said. 

"You can't just kill Hell's Council!" Levi said.

"I can and I will if I have to," I said. 

"I'll call a meeting," my dad said as he left the office. 

I took a seat at my dad's desk and looked at Isabella.

"You know, I'm thinking about changing up the leadership," I said to her.

"You're not stepping down, are you?" she said standing up.

"No! I was just thinking why should I let a werewolf rule Hell. I think I want a new King," I said.

"Who?" Isabella asked.


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