Waging War

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"What? Me?" Saxon said pointing to himself with a confused look. 

"Yeah," I said. Levi stepped up to us with shock written on his face.

"The Council has to agree with this," Levi said. 

I just shrugged my shoulders. My dad and Ethan walked back into the office.

"The Council is waiting for us in the meeting room," my dad said. We all walked to the meeting room in silence. We walked into the room and all eyes turned to us.

"Since Satan and Leviathan might be biased they cannot be apart of this discussion," one member said.

"Fine with me," I said taking a seat.

"So what did you want to talk about," another member said.

"Two things actually. The first thing is that I want to wage war on the vampires," I said.

"Why?" Mammon asked.

"Because they are after my dad," I said. They all looked at each other and nodded.

"We will allow it," Asmodeus said. 

"The second thing is that I want to appoint a new King to rule Hell with me," I said. 

"What! You can't do that. I won't allow it," Ethan said as he sprung out of his seat. 

"You do not, cannot, and will never control me," I said standing up.  

"He might not, but we can. Jennifer, you can't just appoint a new King," Lucifer said. I started to circle around the table. I looked at Saxon and gave him a nod. He opened his wings and set them on fire while holding a fireball in his hand.

"That is enough!" Belphegor said, "By the power vested in Hell's Council we now dethrone-," but he didn't get to finish. Isabella waved her hand silencing him. All councils have the power to dethrone their Queen or King. Isabella stood up and walked next to me.

"Did you really think I was going to sit there and let you dethrone a fellow Queen?" she asked with a smirk. The entire council was moving their mouths, but no sound was coming out. I turned to leave the room, but not before I looked at Sax. I nodded and he threw fireballs at each of The Council members. Killing them instantly. 

I left the room and everybody followed behind me. We had gotten halfway down the hallway when I stopped and turned around.

"When we win this war against the vampires I'm going back with Isabella. I will still be Queen and Saxon will be King," I said. Everybody had looks of shock on their faces. A look I had been used to seeing by now.

"Ethan, you will step down or I will make you," I said. He looked down at his feet.

"Okay," he said reluctantly. 

"Great!" I said clapping my hands enthusiastically, "Do it now."

Ethan took the crown from his head and placed it on Saxon's. My dad recited the oath while I stood to the side with a smile on my face. After Saxon was officially made King I smirked.

"Throw him in the cells," I said referring to Ethan. Two guards walked up to him and grabbed his arms.

"What!" he yelled. 

"Them as well," I said pointing to my dad and Levi. More guards came and took them away.

"Jay, I'm your dad."

"Not anymore." I turned and continued down the hallway, walking towards the throne room, Isabella and Saxon in tow. I sat on the throne and called for a guard. 

"Make the announcement that there's a new King," I said.

"Of course," he said bowing. He turned to leave, but I jumped up.

"Oh and make sure someone sends the King of vampires my declaration of war," I said as I sat back down.

"Of course," he said.

As the guard left Saxon turned to me. "So why did you make me King?" he asked.

"Yeah I was wondering the same thing," Isabella said. "Not that I don't agree with you." 

"I'm a powerful demon and so is Saxon. We need powerful people on the throne," I said.

"Did you plan to throw them in the cells the whole time," Isabella said with a small laugh.

"Yeah, they took my demon away, I wasn't going to just let them act as if nothing happened," I said. 

I sensed something behind me and turned around just in time to dodge a dagger aimed at my heart. Saxon's wings shot out of his back as him and Isabella took a protective stance in front of me.

"You have the audacity to attack the Queen of Hell," I said.

"You killed my pack," he said with pain in his eyes. I was confused until I realized who he was.

"You're the Alpha that attacked us," I said. He bared his teeth and shifted, circling around us.

"Guards! Take him to the cells," Saxon ordered. The guards carefully approached the wolf and injected him with wolfsbane. When the Alpha shifted back the guards carried him down to the cells.


Ethan's Point Of View

The guards threw me into a cell and Satan and Levi into the cells next to me. "Max! I've known you for years. Let us out," Satan said. Max shook his head.

"I'm sorry, but I listen to a new ruler," he said. Max walked away and Satan sat down in defeat. About five minutes later Lucas was put into the cell across from us. 

"How did you get in here?" Levi asked.

"I tried to kill Jennifer," he said. My wolf and I growled at the thought of him hurting our mate.

"Oh shut it!" he snapped, "Don't act like you haven't thought about it. She killed our packs! And now she's probably going to kill us!"

"She won't. I'm her mate, she can't kill me. She'll break," I said.

Lucas stood up and boy was he mad.

"She'll break. SHE'LL BREAK! She killed her own pack and probably didn't even sweat," he yelled.

I ended the conversation there, knowing he was right. She killed our pack, and even though she wasn't officially the luna she should have felt something. But she didn't. Which means she won't think twice about killing me. 

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