Overthrowing The Throne

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After four hours we had finally arrived at the Queen's castle. 

"You guys ready?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah," Saxon said.

"Duh," I said. We got out of the car and Saxon and I opened our wings, letting them trail behind us. When we reached the doors Isabella didn't even bother knocking. She waved her hand and they slammed open. 

Saxon and I took this chance to fly into the air. We made a line of fire on each side of Isabella, making her untouchable. Isabella burst into the throne room where the soon to be ex-Queen sat on the throne.

"What brings you here?" the Queen asked.

"I'm here to take back what's rightfully mine," Isabella said. Isabella flicked her hand and the Queen was pinned against the wall. Saxon and I created a ring of fire around the Queen and Isabella. 

They were going back and forth until Isabella had Amelia pinned to the ground. 

"You think you can keep my throne!" Isabella yelled. Amelia was struggling against Isabella's power, but it was too strong.

"I'm taking back what's mine and I'm taking it back now," Isabella said. She waved her hand and Amelia withered under her power. 

"What is she doing?" Saxon asked.

"She's burning her from the inside out," I said with a smirk. Amelia collapsed on the floor, dead. Isabella stepped towards her and knelt beside her.

"I'll take that," Isabella said plucking the tiara off of Amelia's head. She put it on and smiled as she walked towards us. Saxon and I flew back down to the ground and folded our wings away. By now the throne room was full of guards.

"Somebody clean this up," Isabella said. Nobody moved a muscle.

"Now!" she yelled, power radiating from her voice.

"And someone get the Council of Witches while you're at it," She added. 

The Council of Witches is basically like Hell's Council. The Queen obviously rules the witches, but the Council advises and makes sure the Queen isn't biased. Amelia's body was now out of the throne room and Isabella was sitting on the throne. 

A guard rushed into the throne room. "The Council is here," he said. 

Isabella hopped off the throne and walked towards Saxon and me.

"Why did you call the Council?" I asked. 

"To see what they think about us going to war against the vampires," she said.

"And if they don't like it?" Saxon asked.

"We kill them," Isabella answered. We all left the throne room and headed to the meeting room, where the Council was waiting for us. We walked in and all eyes were on us.

"Maddie, James, Lucy, Mark, Leo. I would say sorry for keeping you waiting, but I'm not," Isabella said sitting down at the head of the table.

"What is the meaning of this? Where is Queen Amelia?" Mark asked. 

"She has been disposed of. I'm the new Queen," Isabella said. 

"This is insane. We're leaving," Lucy said as the entire Council stood up and walked towards the door. Saxon and I stepped in front of the door and opened our wings.

"What are the demons doing here?" Maddie asked in disgust.

"I'd watch what you say. This is the Queen of Hell," Saxon said.

"I advise you to sit down. My friends will not hesitate to burn you alive," Isabella said. The Council sat down.

"What did you want to talk about?" Leo asked.

"I want to assist the Queen of Hell in an attack on the vampires," Isabella said.

"Absolutely not!" James said.

"Are you sure you don't want to rethink that?" I asked walking towards them. I created a mini tornado out of fire and sent it to the middle of the table.

"We are positive," Leo said. Isabella nodded at me and I made the tornado bigger. 

"Last chance," I said. The Council held their ground. I extinguished the flame and looked at Saxon. He flicked his wrist and the entire Council was on fire. 

"What now?" I asked. 

"Tomorrow we hold an assembly letting the witches know about the new leadership. Then we will leave for Hell," Isabella said. 

"Okay, come on Saxon let's pick our rooms," I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room. We had both found rooms that were on the Queens floor in the castle. Saxon was about to leave my room when I grabbed his hand.

"Do you want to stay? We can watch a movie," I said to him.

"Yeah," he said as he sat on the bed. We picked the movies Deadpool, Pitch Perfect 3, and Grown Ups. A few hours later it was dark and everyone in the castle was asleep except for us. 

"Do you think I could sleep in here? We could make it a sleepover," he said with a smile.   

"Yeah! Let me go get changed," I said as I got off the bed. I walked to the closet and saw my clothes there. I guess someone brought them up. After I changed I walked out of the closet to see Saxon laying under my covers taking up half of the bed.

"You're probably going to have to move over," I said with a small laugh.

"Ugh, fine," he said with a playful groan. After he moved over I got under the covers. Saxon threw his arm over me and I snuggled into his warmth. 

"What are you doing to me Jay?" I heard Saxon say as I fell asleep. 

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