Fallen Angel

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The man flew into the air, but the guards were ready. They each took out daggers ready to throw them at his wings. I wasn't going to let that happen. I opened my wings and flew into the air. "Enough!" I yelled. Everybody stopped and looked at me. 

"I see you got your wings back. How did you manage to do that?" the Queen asked with a knowing look.

"That is not your concern," I said venomously. 

"Well you don't know how to get your demon back," she said. 

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Nevermind that, but if you would be so kind as to put your wings away and let my guards take this man away we can get back to our conversation," the Queen said. 

"No, we are leaving. And I'm taking him with me," I said. 

"Do that and you will never get your demon back," the Queen said walking towards us.

"I will figure that out for myself," I said.

"We're leaving," Isabella said stepping forward. She muttered a few words and the Queen was thrown against the wall. Held there by Isabella's power. Turns out she might be stronger than the Queen. The guards threw their daggers, but the guy flew in front of me and created a shield of fire. Isabella waved her hand and the guards were unconscious. 

"Well, what are you waiting for guys? Let's go," Isabella said, running out of the room. The man and I landed on the ground, closed our wings, and started to run. We ran outside and the man stopped in front of the castle. I stopped running and turned around.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Burning it down, of course," he said with a confused look. 

"No! That's her future castle," I said pointing to Isabella who had stopped running as well. 

"I like the way you guys roll," he said with a smile. We all started running again as guards crashed out of the castle. We all hopped into the car and sat there. "Isabella, no pressure, but if the Queen gets us she will kill us. So can you drive the car?!" I said in a panic. 

"The keys! We left them inside," she said.

"Use magic," I said. The guards were getting closer. Isabella muttered a few words and the engine started. We sped off of the property. Once we were in the clear I turned around and looked at the man. 

"I think I'm gonna--," he started before he fainted. 

"Great," I said with an eye roll.

"Where do we go?" Isabella asked. 

"Somewhere safe," I said.

"I know just the place," she said. After four long hours of driving, we finally arrived at a mansion and the man was still passed out in the back of my car. Okay well, maybe it wasn't my car. But he better wake up soon because we have a lot of questions. 

"Isabella, what is this place?" I asked. 

"One of my parents' estates," she said. 

"Wow, your parents have a lot of property," I said amazed. 

"Yeah, I didn't know until after they passed," she said with a sad smile. I squeezed her shoulder and she quickly brightened up.

"Let's get our stuff, so we can pick rooms," Isabella said.

"What about him," I said pointing to the back. 

"I'll just levitate him inside," she said.

"Okay," I said. We grabbed our things, and the man, and walked inside. Before Isabella could say anything I raced up the stairs and started opening doors trying to find the perfect room. After two minutes of looking I had finally found it. 

The room had a king size bed against one wall and a living room suit on the other. I walked in further and saw that it had its own bathroom and walk-in closet. I heard a knock on the door and Isabella peeped her head in. "I see you found a room," she said.

"Yeah, I absolutely love it," I said with a big smile.

"I'll take the one across the hall," she said.

"And what about our friend," I said.

"He hasn't woken up yet," Isabella said. We heard the front door slam shut. 

"Guess he has woken up," Isabella corrected. We ran outside and saw the man floating in the air. 

"We have to stop him," Isabella said. I opened my wings a flew next to him.

"You have to land. We just want to talk to you," I said.

"No. No way. I'm leaving," he said. 

"I said land!" I demanded with power radiating out of my voice. His wings closed causing him to fall out of the sky, but they reopened before he hit the ground. He stood up confused.

"That's never happened before. Who are you?" he questioned.

"I'm the Queen of Hell," I stated with pride.

"And what's the Queen of Hell doing out here?" he asked. 

"Well if you come inside we can start from the beginning," Isabella said. I slowly walked back to the house, with us walking behind him, my wings trailing behind me in case he decided to run. We all walked inside and sat at the table. 

"You tell your story and I'll tell mine," the man said. I told him what happened from the beginning, not missing a detail.

"Oh and I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jay, and this is Isabella," I said.

"Now who are you?" Isabella asked. 

"My names Saxon, but you can call me Sax. I used to live in Heaven with the angels," he started. 

"But your wings are black. Angel wings are white. Which means your a--," Isabella cut in.

"Fallen angel," I finished. Once an Angel falls they become a demon

"In the flesh. I tried making my way to Hell, but someone blocked the portals," he said. 

"Oh, that was me," Isabella said with a big smile. 

"Well, that's why I was trying to break into the Queen's vault. To find a way to open the portals," he said. 

"Wow. Is that all?" I asked. 

"One more thing. Since your dad took part in taking away your demon would you care if he died?" Sax asked.

"Hmmm. I don't know, why?" I asked. 

"Because the Vampire King wants his head on a silver platter," he said. 

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