Royal Vampire

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I woke up to voices.

"What happened to her?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know. She was angry and breaking things one minute and the next she was on the ground in pain," Saxon said.

Who let Ethan out of the cells? I tried sitting up, but was met with a sharp pain going through my body. Saxon came next to my bed.

"Hey, easy," he said as he grabbed my hand.

"I'm hungry," I said.

"I called for a maid to bring you food," Ethan said. 

My head snapped up to him. He looked the same as I left him in the cells. 

"Who let him out?" I questioned. 

Everybody seemed to hold their breath.

"We thought it would be a good idea You know since he's your mate," Isabella said. 

"He's not my mate. I don't want him here," I said venomously. 

A flash of pain crossed Ethan's face before it quickly disappeared. He stepped forward.

"Jennifer, we are mates," he said.

"Not if I reject you," I said coldly.

"Jennifer, stop, I know your mad, but-," he started

"Mad! I am not mad! I'm hungry!" I yelled. 

Everybody gasped and stepped back. I started to question them when I heard something. Heartbeats. I tried to stand up but stopped when I felt something come out of my gums. I reached up to touch it and hissed when my finger was cut. I looked at the crimson line running down my finger and for some reason felt hungrier.

"Ethan, call for a maid to get some blood. I don't care how they get it, but it needs to be soon," Isabella demanded. As Ethan left the room I looked up at Isabella. 

"What's happening to me?" I asked. 

"You're a vampire. A royal vampire to be exact," My dad said.

I looked up and he was standing in the doorway with a solemn look on his face. 

"How do you know I'm a royal vampire?" I asked. 

"Let's wait for Ethan to get that blood," he said stepping into the room.

I sat back down on the bed and looked at my dad. Wait, who let him out?

"Who let you out?" I asked.

"I did," Ethan said from the doorway, "I figured who would know what was going on with you."

Ethan stepped forward and handed me a cup full of blood. 

"It's A-," Ethan said.

I hesitantly tasted it before I gulped down the rest. Once I drank the whole thing I looked up at my dad.

"Storytime?" I asked my dad. 

He sighed and sat down.

"Everybody grab a seat. This is gonna be one hell of a story," he said. 

Everyone sat down and looked at him expectantly. 

"Jennifer, my mate was not your mother," he said.

"Wh- what does that mean?" I questioned.

"When I first met my mate we were perfect. We loved each other and would do anything for each other. But one day I was told that she was cheating on me. I didn't give her a chance to tell her side of the story, so I used a portal and went to a supernatural bar. And there I met a beautiful vampire, who I later found out was the Queen of vampires-"

"Dad you didn't," I said as tears started running down my face. 

"It was just a one night stand and I was told your mother was cheating on me," he said.

"So you cheated your mate  with that blood sucking whore!" I yelled. 

"Look, I'm sorry-,"

"Sorry! You're sorry! You knew I was part vampire and you made me wage war on them. Is that why the King wants to kill you. He found out you slept with his mate, didn't he. What happens when he finds out about me, his mate's bastard child. He's going to try and kill me!" I shouted at him. 

"He can't. You're the firstborn royal vampire child. Your the heir to the vampire throne," my dad said. 

"I want to meet my mother. After that, I'll decide whether or not I'll continue with the war. Then I'll decide if I want to steal the throne from them," I said. 

Everyone got up and left as I laid back down in bed, but as Saxon got up I grabbed his arm.

"WIll you stay?" I asked.

"Of course," he said. 

He pulled the covers down and jumped in next to me. I turned and snuggled into his warm chest. As I fell asleep I couldn't help but wonder why I felt this strong feeling for him. 

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