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I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Even though I was using my vampire speed it felt like everything was moving in slow motion.  It seemed like a million thoughts were running through my head as I crossed the field. What if they die? Will I get there in time? What if I can't save them?

I kneeled down and checked for a pulse. It was there. Barely.

"Come on! Wake up! You can't die on me!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face. 

I hugged their body close to me, "Someone get me a doctor, now!" I yelled. 

I looked around the field through blurry eyes. The war was over. All of the angels laid on the ground. Dead. A doctor stepped through the crowd and knelt next to me. 

"I got this, you go check on your other friend," she spoke softly. I hesitantly nodded and stood up. I ran across the field to Saxon. I felt for a pulse and just like Isabella's it was barely there. I took his hand and placed it on my cheek.

"You can't die! We have a wedding to get to tomorrow!" I sobbed out. His eyes began to close. 

"I need some help over here!" I yelled. A vampire came and lifted Saxon's body off of the ground.

"We have to get them to Isabella's infirmary in her castle," I said. I used my vampire speed and was at the castle in two seconds flat. The vampires that were carrying Saxon and Isabella were right behind me, along with the doctor. 

I led the way to the infirmary and pushed the doors open. The vampires lowered Saxon and Isabella onto separate gurneys. The wheeled them into two separate rooms and I was told to wait outside. 

Waiting was agony. All I could do was pace and run my fingers through my hair. A nurse walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "Would you like some water?" 

"What I would like is to see my mate and friend!" I snapped. She bowed her head and left. 

The doctors came through the door and my eyes snapped to them. They walked up to me with somber looks on their faces. 

"We did everything we could, but your friend and mate they.... they died," the doctor said. 

I went through all five stages of grief in that very moment. 

Denial: "No they aren't dead your machines are broken. Yeah. It's the machines. So....so go fix them before they really do die. Because there is no way the Queen of witches and King of Hell are dead. They are too powerful to die. And they wouldn't leave me alone like this. They know I need them. So their not dead. This isn't funny."

Anger: "This is your fault! You killed them! You were supposed to save them and you didn't! You were supposed to be better than this! Now they are dead because of you! I will have your head for this! You will pay for this!"

Bargaining: "Go back in there and save them! Please! I'll give you anything you want! Money! Power! Do you want my kingdoms?! You can have them! Just please go back and save them!

Depression: "Oh my god. I can't live without them. I'll die without them. They were the most important people in my life and now their gone. How am I going to go on without them?!

And as for the last stage, acceptance, I think it's safe to stay that I will never accept their deaths. 

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