The Ceremony

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After the whole wing fiasco, we went to the dining hall for dinner. Uncle Levi still had cuts on his face.  After dinner, Ethan and I decided to go to bed. He offered to take the couch that was in my room. 


I woke up to someone tracing circles on my arm. It was Ethan. After we showered and got dressed we went down to the kitchen for breakfast. Thankfully my dad wasn't attempting to cook again.  Nobody was in the kitchen though. 

We went into the main hall to see the maids running around like crazy. "Jay, what's going on?" Ethan asked. 

"I don't know," I answered. The maids were setting up chairs and decorating the ballroom. "Uh, I think their setting up for a ceremony," I said. 

"I thought that wasn't until this weekend," Ethan said. 

"Yeah, me too," I said. We went to my dad's office to look for him. When we opened the door he was sitting at his desk along with Levi. "Oh good, your here," Levi said.

"Yeah, why are they setting up for the ceremony?" I asked. 

"We thought we would hold it a little earlier," my dad said.

"What! I don't even have a dress!" I exclaimed. 

"Don't worry Jay. I bought you a dress and Ethan a tuxedo," Levi said. He has a knack for knowing everybody's size. The dress was made of black lace and was strapless. There was only one word for it. Stunning. Levi had gotten Ethan a black tuxedo. 

"Now quickly guys, go change the ceremony starts in thirty minutes," my dad said. Ethan and I quickly changed. When I stepped out of my room he was already dressed. He looked absolutely amazing in his tux. Except for his tie. "You don't know how to tie a tie, do you?" I asked with a small laugh.

"No, but I was hoping you would," he said as his cheeks heated up. I quickly tied his tie and we headed back to my dad's office. When we entered my dad and Levi were standing in their tuxes.

"Are you ready?" My dad asked. 

"Yes," I answered. The coronation ceremony is kind of like a wedding. Ethan goes ahead of me and waits at the altar. Then my dad walks me down the aisle. He takes his crown off and gives it to Ethan and I get my mom's tiara.

Ethan left to go to the ceremony while my dad and I waited for our queue. "Are you sure you want to take over?" my dad asked.

"Of course I am," I said. I had been waiting for this my moment my whole life and I wasn't going to give it up now.

We got our queue and started to walk towards the altar. When we got there I smiled at Ethan. "We have gathered here today to crown the future King and Queen of Hell, Ethan, and Jennifer," my dad said. "Hell's Council has already given their permission for them to rule until time to step down. With that said, Ethan please come forward," he said.

Ethan stepped forward in front of my dad. "Ethan, do you promise to rule Hell to the best of your abilities, to always think of your people, and to never rule in vain?" my dad asked. 

"I do," Ethan said. He knelt down in front of my dad and bowed his head. My dad took his crown off his head and placed it on Ethan's. My dad then turned to me. "Jennifer, do you promise to rule Hell to the best of your abilities, to always think of your people, and to never rule in vain?" my dad asked. 

"I do," I replied. My dad took my mother's tiara and placed it on my head. "I give you the new King and Queen of Hell," my dad announced.

Ethan and I hadn't even made it down the stairs when a guard rushed up to us. "Rouge demons. They're attacking the castle," he said out of breath. Rouge demons are demons who don't believe Hell should have a King and Queen. 

There was no time to react before the rogue demons had burst into the main hall. There was probably one hundred of them. They started to attack all of our guards and that's when I felt my inner demon starting to take control.

My wings sprouted out of my back and I flew into the air. Everybody's eyes shifted up to me and my hands began to heat up. I felt my eyes start to turn red. I was pushed into the back of my mind watching the scene unfold. 

Ash started to burn every Rogue demon from the inside out. Collecting their power in the process. 'Now we have enough power to kill Ethan' she said. She started to fly towards Ethan, ready to disintegrate him. Before we could reach him a needle was stuck in my neck and my whole world went dark.

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