Daddy, I'm Home

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I woke up to a lot of commotion going on downstairs. I looked over and saw that Saxon was still asleep. I gently shook him.

"Saxon, wake up," I said. He groaned and turned the other way. 

"Saxon," I said shaking him harder. He still didn't wake up. I pushed him out of the bed and when he hit the floor his wings shot out of his back. I doubled over laughing. 

"You should see your face right now," I said wiping a tear off my face.

"What's going on?" he asked. 

"They're getting ready for the assembly today," I said as I got off of the bed. 

"Ugh, I need a shower," he said scrunching his nose.

"Me too. Meet you downstairs in 30?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. With that, he left my room. When I got out of the shower I got ready and headed downstairs. When I got downstairs I saw Saxon leaning against the door. 

"Want to go fly?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said as I followed him outside. 

We opened our wings and flew into the sky. 

"Want to see something cool?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said flying around him. I saw him concentrating and all of a sudden his wings caught on fire.

"Oh my God! Your wings!" I yelled running up to him, but he started to laugh.

"It's okay. I did that on purpose. Cool, right?" he said. 

"Cool, but scary as Hell," I said with a smile. "How do I do it."

"Just concentrate on your wings and imagine them catching on fire," he said. 

Before I knew it my wings had caught on fire and it was amazing. I looked down and saw Isabella walking outside most likely looking for us. We flew down in front of her.

"Hey guys," she said giving us a knowing look.

"Hey," I said.

"So I noticed that Saxon wasn't in his room this morning," she said with a smirk. 

"Yeah, we had a sleepover in my room last night," I said remembering what Saxon said when he thought I was asleep.

"Okay, well the assembly is about to start. You coming?" she asked.

"Yeah," Saxon said. We followed her into the ballroom which was full of people.

"Who are all of these people?"  Saxon asked.

"All of the coven leaders, they're second in command, and the royal guards," she said.

"Wow," I said in amazement. Isabella stopped at the top of the stairs.

"Hello everyone. I would like to make an announcement," Isabella said. Everyone stopped talking and looked at Isabella.

"There has been a change in leadership. Amelia is no longer with us. I am the new Queen. If anyone has a problem with that they can answer to my friends," she said pointing at us. Saxon and I opened our wings and I started to spin fire between my fingers.

"Demons!" a coven leader yelled. Everybody's eyes snapped to her.

"Is there a problem, Anna," Isabella asked.

"Yes! You have let these things into the castle," Anna said with disgust.

"It is my castle," Isabella said stepping forward. She looked at me and I threw a fireball in front of Anna's feet. 

"Now you can either hop on board or be burnt to a crisp," Saxon said. Anna stepped back into the crowd.

"Now that everyone is on board there is another thing we need to discuss. The royal guard is going to be helping the Queen of hell with an attack on the vampires," Isabella said.

"What! Why would we help her? Everybody knows she's a bad ruler" Anna said. 

"Oh am I now," I said stepping forward. Anna shrunk back.

"If anyone is a bad ruler it is the King. He is the reason I am here, so watch what you say," I said through clenched teeth. 

"We will be helping her and I would greatly appreciate it if some of you would spare your coven guards," Isabella said. Three coven leaders volunteered some of their guards. 

"Thank you. You all can go back to your covens now," Isabella announced. About 20 minutes later everybody had left and I was packing my bag. Isabella and Saxon had finished packing 30 minutes ago and now they were waiting for me.

"Jay, would you hurry up," Isabella groaned. I playfully rolled my eyes and continued to try and make my clothes fit. Keyword being tried. 

"Here, let me," Saxon said standing up.

"Go for it, but it's not going to fit," I said sitting down. Not even a minute later Saxon had made all of my clothes fit into the bag. 

"Now can we go?" Isabella asked standing up.

"Yeah," I said. We all walked outside and stopped in the front yard. Isabella looked at me and I nodded. She mumbled a spell and looked at me again. 

"The portals should be unblocked now. All you have to do is open a portal," she said. I stepped forward and opened a portal into Hell. 

"You first," I said to Isabella. She stepped through the portal and disappeared. I stepped in front of the portal and stopped. Could I really do this? I looked over at Saxon and he grabbed my hand. 

"You can do this," he said reassuringly. I erased all feelings of doubt and stepped through the portal. When we stepped out of the portal we were in front of the castle and Isabella was sitting on the stairs. 

"You ready?" she asked standing up. 

"Ready as I'll ever be," I said walking forward. As I was pushing open the doors I realized that this is my kingdom and no one can change that. We walked through the doors and into the main hall. At this point, all traces of doubt were replaced with determination.

"Oh daddy, I'm home." 

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