The Surprise

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It's been two weeks since Isabella and Saxon died. I couldn't bear to go to their funerals. I haven't gotten out of bed since I climbed in the night I was told about their deaths. The maids have put food by my bed, but I've barely eaten. The pain was too much. 

I still wear my wedding ring. But instead of feeling light it feels heavy. Like a rock. I want to take it off. It reminds me of the wedding I never got. But I fear if I do take it off it'll be like I'm forgetting about Saxon. Like I'm giving up on our love. Like I'm rejecting him as my mate. 

I've told Hell's Council to run Hell and the Vampire Council to run the vampire and witch kingdoms while I'm indisposed. They quickly agreed with no hesitation. I think they pity me. I hate it. The pity makes me seem weak. And I don't want to seem weak. Even though I am.

I pulled my blanket tighter around me. These days I feel like I'm getting colder every day. I think I'm slowly dying. It would make sense. My mate was my other half. My other half died. Half of me is dead. And it probably won't take long for the other half to follow. 

I drained two maids of their blood in my sorrowed state. I had felt nothing. The pain that I felt for my mate and friend was all the pain I could handle. I tried to turn my emotions off, but it didn't work. I thought that it would make the pain bearable. But I realized nothing could help. Nothing could numb the pain I felt. 

I haven't spoken to Cassie or Ash since that day. I think they're both still torn up about losing their mate and best friend. I'm not even sure if they are still alive or not. 

I felt an odd feeling and got out of bed as quickly as I could. I made it to the bathroom where I emptied the minimal contents of my stomach into the toilet. The last thing I remember before blacking out was a maid rushing to my side.


I woke up to the sounds of machines. I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. The walls were white and there was an IV in my hand. I was in the infirmary. The doctor walked in and smiled at me, "I'm glad you're awake."

She checked my vitals and then sat on the bed with me.

"Am I okay?" I asked. 

"You need to eat more," she said. 

"I try, but it's hard," I replied. 

"You need to try harder. For your babies," she said. 

"What?" I questioned in disbelief. 

"Jennifer, your pregnant."

"No, that's impossible," I said. But then it hit me.

"Oh my god," I whispered. 

"Are you okay?" the doctor asked me.

"I need a witch. Quickly," I said. 

The doctor nodded and left the room. She came back five minutes later with a witch. 

"Hello, I'm Becky," the witch said with a smile.

"Jennifer," I replied back.

"I was told that I was needed," she said. 

"The doctor says I'm pregnant. I need you to tell me what they are," I said. 

"Okay," Becky said. 

She came up to me and placed her hands on my stomach. She closed her eyes and mumbled some words under her breath. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. 

"Your having triplets," Becky said. I couldn't help but smile at that. 

"What are they?" I asked with the smile still on my face. 

"One is a witch, the other is a demon, and the last one is a hybrid," Becky said. 

"We're going to be a mom," Cassie said.

"I'm so excited," Ash said.

Isabella had passed her power onto me. Making me part witch. Making me the Queen of Witches. She had trusted me with her descendants. But somehow she had altered the spell. She had kept them all from being just witches. Isabella had given me a piece of her. Something to live for.

Something to fight for. 

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