The Alliance

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We walked through the doors to the throne room where the council was waiting for us. They stood up and bowed, "Queens Jennifer and Isabella, King Saxon welcome," Mandy addressed us. I smiled at them and took a seat. Isabella and Saxon took protective stances behind me. 

"I assume you have fixed the problem," I said. The council looked around nervously.

"Well, uh, sort of," Danny said.

My eyes snapped up to them and my jaw clenched, "What do you mean sort of?"

"Well, they agreed to forget about it for now. They say there are more pressing matters," Toby said. 

I leaned forward and put my elbows on the table, "What matters?"

"They say there have been lycan sightings," Brittany said. 

Lycans are like werewolves. Except they are cruel and vicious and power hungry. About 300 years ago the demons, werewolves, and vampires formed a temporary alliance and wiped out the entire species. Unlike werewolves, lycans only have one pack. Instead of that pack being led by an Alpha and Luna it's led by a King and Queen. 

"Well their lying, everybody knows lycans are extinct," Isabella said. 

"That's what we thought, but they captured one," Luke said.

"Come on," I said standing up.

"Um, where?" Saxon questioned. 

"I need to see this for myself," I said. 

Isabella created a portal and before I knew it we were in the throne room of the werewolf castle. The King and Queen were having a heated discussion with their council. 

"Hello, Dakota, Jerry, James, George, Ricky," Isabella said addressing the Werewolf Council. 

"Where's the lycan?" I asked cutting straight to the point. 

Mona motioned to a guard and he left. "He will be back with him in a minute," she stated.

The guard came back with a snarling wolf attached to a chain. I stepped up to the wolf who let out a low growl. His fur was pure white and his eyes her a vibrant blue. I let some of my power wrap around him, but he didn't back down. I used more power and he growled louder. I smiled and turned around. Everybody was kneeling except for Saxon, Isabella, the King, and the Queen.

"Looks like we caught a prince," I said with a smirk. 

I reigned my power in and everybody stopped kneeling.

"Seems we did. What do we do with him?" Isabella asked. 

"I have an idea," I said as I turned around. 

I used my vampire speed and ran to the lycan. My fangs extended out and I bit into his neck. His blood hit my tongue and I could taste the power in it. Soon I had drained him. I threw his lifeless body to the side. Everybody stared at me in shock. I took my fingertips and wiped the blood away from my mouth. 

"Sometimes I forget you're a vampire," Isabella said with a small smile. 

"What the hell was that?!" the Queen yelled as she stalked towards me. 

"I was hungry," I said. 

I felt a sharp sting on the side of my face and my head whipped to the side. I reached my hand up and held my cheek as I looked at the Queen. 

"Oh shit," I heard Saxon whisper. 

"Do it again and I will have your head delivered to me on a silver platter," I said venomously. 

The Queen sat back down on her throne and looked at me. 

"I have a deal to offer," I said. 

"What is it," the Scott asked. 

"I will help you with your lycan problem if and only if you form a temporary alliance with us when we go to war with the Angels," I said. 

"As will I," Isabella spoke up.

The King and Queen looked at each other and nodded. 

"We accept."

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