The Choice

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"The clearing is up ahead," I said. 

Five minutes ago the witches had ascended into heaven. Now, all we have to do is wait. When we reached the clearing the vampires bared their fangs and the werewolves shifted. Saxon came and stood next to me and grabbed my hand.

"Promise me you'll be careful," he said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Only if you promise not to worry about me the whole time," I said. 

"I promise," he replied. I smiled and leaned into him.

"Just think, tomorrow we will be married," I said. 

"I'm counting down the minutes," he stated. 

"Can you give some fire? It's been a while since I had a recharge," I said. 

"Of course," he replied.

Saxon grabbed my hands and I felt the heat rush through my veins. I let my wings sprout out of my back. The witches appeared next to of us with Isabella in the front. 

"Did it work?" I questioned.

She looked at me and smiled, "Of course it did."

That's when the angels started to hit the ground. 

I ran towards the first one I saw. I threw a ball of fire at him, but he was too fast. He easily dodged it and threw a ball of light at me. I jumped out of the way and tried to avoid it, but I wasn't quick enough. The light hit me in the shoulder and I felt a burning sensation.

"Dammit!" I hissed. 

The angel got up and ran towards me. He hit me and I fell to the ground. His hand began to fill up with light, but before he could release it I headbutted him. Which was probably not a good idea. Pain exploded in my head and my vision began to get blurry.

When my vision cleared up I stood up and tried to regain my balance. When I regained my balance I shot another fireball at the angel. This time I didn't miss. It hit him in the leg and he fell down to the ground. I lept on him and my fangs went to his neck. Before I could bite he flipped out positions so he was on top of me.

He wrapped his hand around my throat, cutting off my air supply. My vision started to get blurry and I started to get lightheaded. I grabbed his arm and let some fire seep out of my hand. He clenched his jaw but didn't let go. I burned the fire hotter and let me go as he hissed out in pain.

Taking my chance I created a tornado of fire and threw it his way. It hit him and he instantly bursted into flames and collapsed on the ground. I wasn't sure if I had killed him until I felt the power running through my entire body. 

 It felt like a barrier in my head had been broken. My veins were tingling. I looked down and my veins were blue, like my hellfire. I looked at my wings and they looked bigger. Deadlier. 

"Ash!"  I called out. 

"It's good to be back," she replied. 

"Oh thank god," I said practically jumping up and down.

"How did you get me back?" she asked. 

"It's a long story," I replied.

"Why don't I feel Ethan's wolf?" she questioned.

I was about to answer her question when I felt a sharp pain go through my heart that almost knocked me down. I managed to stay standing and look around. And then I saw him. On the other side of the clearing laying on the ground. I started to run towards him when I heard a scream. As soon as the horrible sound hit my ears I knew who's it was. Isabella's. I frantically looked around and spotted her on the other side of the field. Opposite from Saxon. And among all the chaos only one question was going through my mind.

Who do I go to?

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