Problem Solving

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We all packed another bag. That seems to be what we're always doing now. We met at the entrance to Isabella's castle where she made the portal. We stepped through and arrived in the main hall of my soon to be castle. People were running around in chaos.

"Where are the King and Queen?!" Someone yelled. We walked to the top of the stairs.

"Your Queen and King are here," I announced. Everyone stopped and looked at us.

"Is this some kind of joke," a maid said as she stepped forward.

"Melody and Caleb are being tried for the attempted murder of Hell's Queen, which is me. I am the Queen's oldest child which means I am next in line for the throne," I said.

"Now, someone go get the vampire council," Saxon said. Nobody moved.

"NOW!" Isabella yelled. Everybody scattered. Ten minutes later a maid came back.

"The vampire council is waiting for you in the meeting room," she said.

When we got there the council was already seated. All of their eyes snapped to us.

"Hello, Danny, Luke, Toby, Mandy, Brittany," I greeted.

"Where are the King and Queen?" Toby asked.

"You're looking at them," I said as I sat down. 

"Where are Melody and Caleb?" Danny asked. 

"They are currently in Hell being tried for the attempted murder of me," I said propping my feet on the table, "Which reminds me, let's hurry this along, I don't want to miss their beheading."

"We won't perform the coronation," Mandy confidently. 

"I'm not asking you to. When Melody and Caleb die the throne is rightfully mine, no coronation needed," I said with a smile. Isabella and Saxon sat down next to me. 

"We want you to go visit the werewolf council. The Werewolf King and Queen want Jennifer dead. We don't want to see that happen and if you value your lives you will convince them that Jennifer has done nothing wrong," Isabella said. 

"BUT SHE HAS!" Luke burst out. 

"Not necessarily. I do what I have to do to get my demon back. If I have to kill you to get her back I will so think about your decision carefully," I said with a shrug.

"I will not be threatened by a child," Brittany seethed.

"How dare she," Cassie said.

I jumped up and slammed my hands down on the table, "And you will do well to remember your place!" The entire council jumped in their seats. "How about a new motive?" I turned to Isabella, "Go find their mates and children if they have any," I said. She nodded and left the room. 

"W-why do you want our mates and children?" Danny cautiously. 

"Why to kill them of course," I said as I sat back down.

"Unless you agree to our terms," Saxon said. 

"You wouldn't dare," Toby said.

"I killed my own mate and didn't bat a lash, what makes you think I won't kill yours?" I asked.

About twenty minutes later Isabella came back. She lined the mates and children up and took a seat next to me. I jumped up and clapped my hands.

"Let's get this party started!" I said excitedly. If you haven't noticed by now I might be a tad bit psychotic. But we're just going to blame it on the fact that I don't have my demon. I walked over to a pregnant woman and grabbed her by the neck. 

"Isabella why don't we burn this bun in the oven," I said with a smirk. She started mumbling a spell when Luke jumped up. 

"We'll do it! Just don't hurt her!" he yelled. 

"Okay," I said as I let go of her neck. I gave a pointed look to Isabella as I sat down. She continued to mumble the spell when the woman screamed out in pain. Luke, her mate, ran over to her. 

"Y-you s-said--," he started to stutter out.

"Yes, yes I know what I said, but you guys should have agreed to it the first time," I said with a shrug. 

"Babe, we should probably go. We don't want to be late for Caleb and Melody's execution," Saxon said. 

"You right," I said as I got up, "I'll be back tomorrow to announce the new King and Queen of vampires. When I get here this problem better be solved or it's your family's blood on your hands."  

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