Ch. 30

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Once again, music drifts into my ears at the party

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Once again, music drifts into my ears at the party. Morgan dances beside me, looking ridiculous because of her antlers. But I look exactly the same. Morgan made me add sparkles to my eyelashes, so whenever I blink, I probably blind someone. I also have painted on freckles, like Morgan. It's a stupid costume, but it was the only costume available for me. A complete one, to be precise.

    People dance around me and drinks are available because Marc has an older brother who is quite the drinker. Not only that, but Marc's house is also pretty tiny. So people have to dance against each other in order to even dance. Morgan has made sure I've had at least three drinks, but I don't feel like it was only three. I feel like my head is pounding with the beat of the music, and even then, my steps are dizzy.

    Morgan keeps on dancing and drinks water, grinning. Lance dances beside her. I watch for a moment, then move backward and into the crowd and to the kitchen. Jake couldn't come tonight because he had to do something with his cousin. Something about tutoring. Marc is here though, dressed up like The Rock, wearing the infamous wifebeater. Marc actually looks a little like Dwyane, just needs bigger muscles and a head shave. Other then that, it looks alright. Way better than my costume. Marc sees me and waves me over. He walks forward a little bit, ditching a girl who was all over him.

    "Hello Kenna," he greets.

    "Hi, Marc." I grin. Suddenly, the world feels unbalanced and I shift toward him quickly. Marc catches me, and puts me backward, back onto my feet. I laugh slightly and rub my face across his neck. It feels so weird that I pull away gasping. "Sorry," I say and shake my head. Marc pulls back slightly and cocks an eyebrow at me.

    "Did you just...?"

    "I'm sorry. I don't want any more drama."

    "What the? Kenna. Do you want me to give you a ride home?" Marc stables me by placing my hands on my shoulders. I nod my thanks toward him and shake my head.

    "No. It's too insane there."

    "Insane?" Marc pulls back, his eyebrows both raised now. "I can call Mason."

    "No!" I almost shout. "I'm done with him. I'm done with romance."

    "Romance?" Marc looks utterly confused. "Is something going on with Jake and you?" Somewhere in my mind, I realize he is completely sober. And that he has a worry in his eyes. I've never seen that emotion on him, let alone about me.

    "No. Nothing. I think I should just swear off romance." Marc looks confused, even when Morgan lands by my side and tugs my shoulders backward. I hug her, almost starting to cry.

    "I can give you a ride home," Marc speaks to Morgan. I feel Morgan nod against my head, as she pats my shoulder.



    A loud bang makes me snap my eyes open. Coldness drowns out everything around me, even the sunlight shining blindingly through my curtains. Rolling over, I groan and cover my eyes. Everything comes rushing back to me, about what happened last night. I remember I cried, then screamed, cried again, and then screamed again. It was like I was a broken record with only two songs. All through it, Morgan stayed with me. A rush of love runs through me as I realize that. I should probably call her and thank her. That is, until, I hear a familiar beat on my dresser. Rising, I look up to see my phone buzzing, telling me it's time to check my levels. Despite the ache in my head, I get up and walk sloppily to the bathroom. I take three Advils and then grab my stuff.

    By the time the results come back, everything around me goes dizzy again, like I'm drunk. It's only when I look at myself in the mirror, I realize I have a black around my vision. Crap! I already know I'm seriously low on my levels.

    I ditch my stuff and charge down the stairs as my vision increasingly lowers. "Mom!" I scream. When no response comes, I call again. I only hear a thump upstairs. I run forward, making a mad dash to the fridge. My fingers barely brush the orange juice when the darkness becomes too much and I fall backward.

    As soon as I hit the ground, I let out a loud groan and roll over. My vision is almost completely gone. Then I hear a door open. Somehow, my vision comes back out, and I see light. I'm dying, lol (A/N, I needed to add that) I think to myself.

    Mason suddenly comes into my vision, making something happen inside of me. His hands wrap around my arms, fear visible in his eyes. He looks down at me, then up at the orange juice. He grabs it and literally tears the cap off. He tips the gallon toward my lips, but I can't find the strength to open my mouth.

    "Kenna!" Mason shouts. I hear so many emotions in his mouth that I can't stop my eyes from pinching shut. "Kenna!" Mason screams a plead running through his voice. "Shit!" He screams so many profanities, not even blurs could cut them all out on television. Then his phone dials and I hear someone answer.

    "911, whats your emergency?" A nice voice floods my ears.

    "My sister! She's passed out!" Mason shouts at the person. "She's diabetic," Mason adds. The operator starts to say something else, but Mason just shouts suddenly, making me open my eyes. Everything was starting to go away, but then Mason slides his hands underneath me. I come back into alertness, and shake my head at Mason. He stops moving, and stares at me, breathing heavily.

    "Drive me there." He must know I'm talking about the hospital because he nods and scoops me into his arms bridal style. Kicking open the door, he runs me through it, closing the door with his foot. I lay in his hands, lifeless. Suddenly, I lose all control of my body and I truly lay lifeless in his body. I can't see anything, only hear. "No!" Mason roars. His hands tighten across my body as if he can somehow keep me from dying. I almost want to smile at that, but then everything around me entirely fades.


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