Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Shannon's P.O.V:

There was an awkward silence which seemed to last for hours but must have only lasted seconds before Nick got up off the floor - off me - and pulled me up with him.  

'I knocked but there was no answer so I uh, just came in' Lee stated lamely, his cheeks still flushed with colour. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, ruffling his black hair and refusing to meet our eyes.  

Nick glanced at me, his eyes clearly asking if he wanted me to get rid of Lee. I shook my head slightly, we needed to talk. Nodding, he sat back on the couch but continued to watch Lee with hard eyes.  

I stepped towards him, "hey" I said softly, hesitantly.  

After our last encounter I wasn't sure what to expect. It saddened me; his dependability and how safe I felt around him had been some of the things I'd liked about him. It had felt nice to have that with someone, especially because my relationship with Nick was so, and had always been, tempestuous. That feeling of safety, that warmth was gone.

The feelings of sadness and regret were gone as quick as they came, to be replaced with anger as he, with a glance over my shoulder at Nick's watchful eyes, stepped in and grabbed my shoulders, kissing me roughly. Just before his face swooped down to my level I'd glimpsed a gloating look in his eye that was obviously aimed at Nick. It made me want to slap him, or punch him, whichever was easiest.  

Pushing him back, I glared at him, anger radiating outwards from my body in waves. He seemed completely unaware however as he glanced around the apartment with a small smile on his face. I started toward my room with Lee in tow. I spared a glance in Nick's direction. He was resolutely staring at the TV as he probably had been since Lee kissed me. I wished he'd looked just a second or two longer so he could have seen me pushing him away. He would have noticed how angry I was even with my back turned, I thought wistfully.  

Maybe that's just because of how much anger you've directed at him since you've lived together, that annoying voice of reason piped up at the back of my head. Well he's directed his fair share back at me, I argued. Thankfully there was no reply...and yes I was just arguing with myself...and yes there's a good chance I'm going crazy...

When we reached my room, Lee opened the door and walked in but I hesitated from following him. I had a sudden urge to go and hug Nick. The urge was so strong that I could feel my feet starting to turn towards him, as if drawn like a magnet. I managed to stop myself with a hand on my door.  

As if he could feel my gaze, Nick's head turned so that he was facing me. I smiled as he met my eyes. He stood up, stretching as he did and giving me a glimpse of that taut stomach I'd touched only a short while ago.  

He looked as though he was about to walk to me, his feet twitching as mine had just done. My smile widened. He started to back away from me towards his room as if he'd won - or lost? - Some argument with himself. "I'll be in my room if you need me" he said softly in a meaningful voice with a jerk of his chin at the room behind me.  

I nodded, still smiling as we stared at each other for a moment before we both retreated into our respective rooms, shutting the doors behind us but leaving the connection between us just as strong as if there was no distance between us at all.

Mark's P.O.V:

I sat, lounging on my bed throwing a pebble into the air and catching it before repeating the action again and again, monotonously for I don't know how long. I didn't even know where the pebble had come from, it was just there. I was bored to tears.  

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