Chapter 44

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Chapter 44



Shannon’s P.O.V:



‘Yeah, okay. Bye’ I hung up the phone and flicked the hair dryer on again.

I bent forwards, flipping my hair over my head, letting it swing almost to my waist – I really needed to get it cut.

I ruffled my hand through it, aiming the dryer while simultaneously eyeing the jean-clad legs moving towards me out of the corner of my eye.

I turned the power off and cocked my head slightly to get a better look. My eyes slowly travelled up his legs, over the waistband of his jeans and over his tantalisingly bare chest, to finally look into his eyes - which were sparkling with what looked suspiciously like amusement.

I stuck my tongue out at him and waited for him to speak.

‘Don’t tempt me’ he grinned lazily and I clenched my hand over the hair dryer as I fervently wished that I wouldn't blush.

I don’t think I was too successful. I pretended not to notice my probably flaming cheeks, and raised one eyebrow in his direction.

His grin just widened. ‘What time are we leaving?’

I shrugged, ‘dunno, around half nine? It doesn’t take that long to get to Killiney.’

‘I’m just going to nod along and pretend I know where you’re talking about’

I rolled my eyes, ‘you do that.’

Without another word, I flicked the hair dryer on again. The legs retreated and I sighed inaudibly.

We’d been so busy the last couple of days that we hadn’t had much time alone and I found that I missed the quiet solitude of our apartment in London. The longer we spent here, the more I felt like I was suffocating. I loved my family, but going to college had made me realise just how much I enjoyed being independent and having my own life.

I stood up straight again, quickly drying the last bit of hair.

Just as I was laying the hair dryer down, I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap securely around me. I sank back into his embrace, revelling in the feel of his warm, strong arms surrounding me.

‘Do you really have to start getting ready now? It’s only half seven’ his voice spoke softly beside my ear as he gently pulled all my hair to one side.

His touch sent warm tremors down my spine and I relaxed even further against the hard planes of his chest.

‘I’m a girl remember?’

He chuckled. ‘I don’t think I’m likely to forget’ he whispered, kissing my temple.

Was it just me or was the temperature in the room definitely going up?

I turned around so I was facing him.

‘Good’ I told him, tilting my head so I could meet his gaze.

I was smiling when he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

Unfortunately, as with every other time we managed to find some privacy, it didn’t last long. Loud hammering on my door made us pull apart.

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