Brainwashed : prt2

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It's been 4 days scene y/n was taken , I haven't gotten any sleep sense . The guys have been helping a lot , we finally found her location and we prepared for an attack ....
The Day Before the Attack
(Vanoss pov:)We had just gotten back from the training when we were about to go inside we saw a CD taped to the door , We grab it and go inside , we put in the player and watch , there we see Vanti , I growled as I see him shock an unconscious y:n , she had tape over her mouth , He shocked her again , her head hung low after that , he grabbed her hair and forced her up , she was tied to a table and was then injected with something , he laughs before the camera was cut off. I growled and walked off . The guys all knew that I was not to be pushed right now .
Later that night
We break in , a dim light shines over a messy table , mark was the first to give the sing to stay quiet , a growl could be heard in the distance , two doors flung open showing two of vantis guards the one held back a wolf on a leash who had a mussel on , I knew exactly who it was , y/n . I looked at her , scared and alone , she went away from the guards only to be shocked by a collar around her neack , blood was dripping from one of her eyes , she lined her ears down and tail went between her legs , she followed the guards to another room , we follow to see vanti sitting on a thrown , he looked at her with evil in his eyes , he taunted her and shocked her multiple times , she had to stay beside him the entire time , make one wrong move she was shocked , we all dropped down in front of her and him , she was given instructions to charge at us , when she was about to crash into us , she split apart , there was a total of five , one disappeared into thin air , two went off in one direction and another went in a different direction , Vanti and his guys ran off leaving us to fight off these y/n replicas? I told the guys it's better to stay in one pod , we all went to the first floor to find the heart stones , each y:n emotion had a piece of a stone witch made up a heart stone , we need them all to get the normal y/n back , mark told us on the way up , that most werewolves do this to make a pack so they could hunt and each of them could feed one body , and that most of these tend to fight . Apparently not all emotions like to be caged or held back ....

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