Starting Over

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You and mark were messing around when you began to shrink . After some time you were a kid . Evan tought you were cute , you turned into a dragon and screeched at him making him shut up . You laugh and disappear . The crew trying to find you . They couldn't until Nogla made fresh cookies . They little thing was a temporary thing until mark could find out why this happened . Del was watching you when he decided that you should have somthing to eat . The end result he almost burned down the house . You looked at del annoyed while he was playing games . You glitch and you grew up . You glitch again and again growing taller and taller till you were your normal age and size . You smile and decide that you would pull a prank on the crew . You turn into your wolf form and play with joe . They crew gets home from a heist and they ask del where you are . Del shrugs and they crew hose bezerk for del not watching you 24/7 . They look around for you , they pass you multipuil times just passing you by . You turn back to your human self . Evan finds you and you laugh as he hugs you . After the long day everyone goes to bed .

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