Chapter 1

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Mom: You will love this new house! It's so big and I got it at a great price!

She looked back at me with her face filled with sadness while faking a smile. I didn't pay attention. I just sat there and looked out the window.

Mom: Ya aliviánate mija! Vas a ver que te va a encantar!

I doubt that. We where moving to California and it was because of me. My brother was the only one who was excited about it. Even after everything we went through, he managed not to be so empty inside. I guess that's the difference between Zabdiel and I. It happened to change my whole perspective on life! Zabdiel and I were the same age except he's one month older than me and every time he can he reminds me of that. You might be asking how that's possible well here is how. My dad was actually married to another woman who was Zabdiel's mom. They lived in Puerto Rico and my mom was actually Mexican but moved to Puerto Rico for business. My dad's stupid ass then cheated on Zabdiel's mom with my mom. (Thank god or else I wouldn't have been born) He got my mom pregnant one month later after he got his wife pregnant. My mom didn't know about his wife until 8 months later when she was giving birth to Zabdiel. Zabdiel's mom never met mine. She unfortunately died while giving birth and my mom took Zabdiel in as if he were her own son. Sometimes I even think she likes him more than me. My mom somehow forgave my dad for everything and we moved to a small apartment in New York City. Let's just say that my dad isn't in the picture anymore.

Zabdiel: Please tell me we are almost there!

I faintly heard him say since I had music blasting in my ears. It was the the only thing that calmed me down. Then we arrived at our destination.

Mom: We're here!

Zabdiel practically jumped out of the car. It was a big old vintage house in a small town in California.

Mom: Go ahead and explore! Also pick your rooms.

I walked into the house and it was truely big. Also very fancy. Zabdiel ran up the stairs trying to get the biggest room. I just walked and observed everything. I should mention that I don't talk very much since the event that cause us to move. It's something I promised myself I would never tell to another soul! Something that filled my heart with sadness leaving no room for happiness. I then walked into a room that was enormous and was mine since Zabdi had already picked his. I walked to the window and saw a shadow on the next door neighbor's house. Someone was starring at me from the window and once he noticed me he just docked. What the hell! Did he just dock?! I notice him and he knew that. Why did he just dock? I didn't understand and just shut the blinds. The movers got here before we did somehow and my stuff where already here packed in boxes along with all my furniture. I sat on my empty bed and for some reason I just started to cry. Out of nowhere! Lizeth stop crying what are you doing?! Just the thought of the whole situation brought tears to my eyes. I was sobbing at that point. Then I remembered, I have to start school tomorrow.
I hope y'all enjoyed it. 😊

June 12, 2018

Do you guys have any predictions of what's gonna happen next already?

I will be updating the next chapter tomorrow so stay tuned!💛

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