Chapter 22

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Joel's POV

I was sitting in the car with the most amazing girl in this universe and we're going on our first date! I feel like the luckiest man alive!

I'm taking her to one of the finest  restaurants around. It's very expensive but thank god that it's owned by a close family friend so she agreed to help me out on this one.

Lizeth: Hey, where are we going? -She asked looking at me-

Joel: You'll see! -I reached out and grabbed her hand. While driving with my left. -

As we arrived I got out quickly and opened the door for her. We walked in holding hands and the waiter led us to our table!

Lizeth: Joel wow! This looks so expensive! You didn't have to. I would've been fine with going anywhere, even MCDonalds as long as I'm with you! -Her eyes were sparkling as she said that. I knew that she would actually be fine with going to MCDonalds which makes me chuckle a bit! She always appreciates anything and everything around her which makes her the most down to earth girl ever!-

Joel: I know that. That's why I love you! I just wanted our date to be special and you know, hella romantic!

Lizeth: Well thank you! I love you and I'm so lucky to have you!

We ate dinner and talked about anything. Some of the conversations we had were very random. I felt like I could be myself with her and I felt comfortable around her! I had a special surprise for her that Israel actually helped me prepare.

We got on the car after dinner and drove off. It was now getting darker and the sun was setting which was perfect timing. I parked the car by the beach and the beach looked so peaceful and beautiful. Since it was fall it was a little chilly so no one was by the beach. As we where walking on the sand Lizeth couldn't walk because of her heels as she was struggling so she took them off and I did the same with my shoes.

We finally were at our destination. Me and Israel set up a blanket by the rocks along with some snacks. There was a bouquet of roses and some pillows on the blanket. Along with some beautiful lights that Israel somehow hung up on the rocks. He mostly used tape though.

Lizeth: OMG JOEL! Wow this is... WOW! -She exclaimed. I saw that her eyes were getting watery.-

Joel: Porque Estas llorando, hermosa.- I held her face between my hands.

Lizeth: It's tears ok joy. I'm really happy! Thank you! I love you! - my eyes were getting watery too and I couldn't hold it anymore. I had to kiss her! So I did.-

We were laying down on the blanket while looking at the sunset. We just talked and talked. Before we knew it it was dark already. It was a really good idea to hang those lights or else we wouldn't be able to see a thing. It was now silent we were just looking at the starts. I looked at Lizeth as I was holding her in my arms and tears started to form on her beautiful face.

Joel: Qué pasó, hermosa?

Lizeth: I'm scared, Joel! -She said as tears rolled down her cheeks-

Joel: Why, baby? What's wrong? -I asked worried-

Lizeth: I'm scared about our relationship! I'm getting too attached to you! I'm afraid to lose you! -At this point she was almost sobbing-

Joel: Hey, you will never lose me!

Lizeth: I will! I just know it. Everything will be different after you find out! You'll look at me differently!

Joel: After I find out what?

Lizeth: After you learn what my secret is! Joel I did something really bad. Others say that I didn't have a choice but this will forever be apart of me. I'm afraid at the way you are gonna look at me after you know everything!

Joel: Whatever you did will never make me leave you! I love you and I'm so attached to you as well that it will be almost impossible for me to let you go! Hey look at me! I love you. You don't have to tell me it yet. Whenever you're ready then you can tell me! - I lifted her head up with my hand as she continued to cry-

All I could think of is to embrace her in a hug. I hugged her as she cried and seeing her cry made me so weak and sad. Tears rolled down my eyes as well. We stayed like that for a while until in was time to take her home.

July 11, 2018✨

Sorry that this one is short! I will be uploading another chapter in a bit!❤️


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