Chapter thirty six

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I suddenly woke up gasping for air, my sweat felt like someone threw a bucket of water over me, it was literally dripping from my nose onto my sheets, my mom came running in with a scared look written all over her face

'Y/n y/n sweetie are you okay' I sat there saying nothing I couldn't quite figure out what was going on right now it felt like I wasn't in my body at this moment 'y/n talk to me what's wrong' I put my head back down on my wet pillow 'that's the problem I don't know what's wrong with me' with that said I turned my back to my mom

She placed her hand on my shoulder 'everything is going to get better y/n I promise' she kissed my head 'goodnight' she walked out of my room closing the door gently behind her


I woke up to my phone ringing loudly beside my head, I groaned because of how loud it was and answered it without checking the caller ID 'hello' 'y/n/n' Zendaya practically screamed I pulled my head away from my phone for a second before responding 'Zendaya why are you calling me so early' she let out a sigh 'y/n I knew you would forget, I sat up trying to think about what she was talking about 'forget what exactly' I said with a hint of curiosity in my voice 'my family event that I have to go to and you're my plus one see this is why I called you an hour before I have to pick you up now go and get ready and I'll see you in a bit' 'actually Zendaya I- she hung up the phone before I could respond, I fell back on my bed 'great' I said to myself


After getting ready and having breakfast Zendaya pulled up outside my house honking her horn 'come on y/n/n we're gonna be late' she said honking more

I stepped outside my house 'okay okay can you please stop honking' she ignored what I said 'damn y/n/n who you tryna look good for my grandma' she said honking I couldn't help but laugh getting into her car

After about twenty minutes of driving with Zendaya giving me the heads up on how posh and snobby her family is we pulled up to this huge mansion house, Zendaya turned the car off and I was still sitting there with my mouth agape 'I know it looks like a Kardashian lives here' Zendaya said while both of us were getting out

The second we walked in I spotted Ariana's mom I stood there in shock while she embraced Zendaya in a hug 'hey grandma' Zendaya pulled out of the hug 'I would like for you to meet my friend y/n' Ariana's mom didn't notice that I was standing there when she was hugging Zendaya because she was just as shocked as I was

Another family member called Zendaya over and she left her grandma and I alone 'I swear I didn't know' I said putting my hands up in surrender 'it's okay honey' she put her hand on my shoulder 'whatever happened between you two wasn't your fault at all okay' she paused before speaking again 'I'm going to need you to tell me the truth now' I nodded to her 'have you seen Ariana since I saw you last' she said looking directly into my eyes so if I was lying she would know 'no I haven't seen her since then I promise' she held her gaze with my eyes for a moment after I said that to her, she smiled and said 'that's good now I want you to have fun today so go off and find Zendaya you obviously don't want to be talking to me' she laughed

I walked out to the garden of the house and I spotted Zendaya sitting at the table with other family members I guess the food is about to come out, there was a free seat next to Zendaya, I walked up to her and sat beside her 'hey' she turned around to face me 'hey what do you think of my grandma' 'yeah she's nice' 'yeah she is I'm just wondering when Ariana is going to show because every time we do one of these family events we always try to drive my grandma nuts at the table when we're all eating' she said laughing and looking around for Ariana

I'm just thinking to myself how could I actually forget that Ariana was related to Zendaya if I had remembered that when Zendaya asked me I wouldn't of said yes to coming here today

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