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Space. All the planets, galaxies, and stars that we see is just 4% of it. The other 96% is the stuff astronomers cannot see. It's what they classify as dark matter and dark energy.

Humans have also only discovered less than 5% of the ocean. The rest has been undiscovered. It's dark and as they get further down it becomes harder to see and breathe because of the water pressure.

Light travels at 299,792 kilometres per second. The earth is 149.6 million km away from the sun. That means it takes the sunlight 500 seconds to travel to the earth. That is 8 minutes and 20 seconds.

That means it took the sunlight 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach earth and glare just at the right time. The right time being the moment it blinded a man long enough to cause him to drive off the road.

I don't know what the means, but I think he had 8 minutes and 20 seconds to either speed up or slow down. I think that's how it works. I've never been the best at physics.

The whole event seems so surreal. It's bizarre to know this many people. But then I came to the conclusion that they don't know him, they know of him. He had about five really good friends. He kept in touch with most of his family. And then he had his child and his wife. But somehow the whole room is packed with people crying more than I am. Some people are asking if I'm even okay. I'm not but I don't know how to tell them without having them cry more.

I hate this whole situation. Even my mom seems to be annoyed. She pats my back and sits down. She's had enough, I know it. She's fazed, obviously. But she's very good at getting it out and then gaining composure.

I debate whether or not we should go outside and get some air. But I think it's inconsiderate to leave all these crying people alone.

I don't mean to be rude, but are they crying because they knew him so well or are they crying because they're scared of death itself?

I hear people tell undetailed stories they have with him. The lack of details makes me think of the lack of his participation in them.

Right now, all I really think about is space and how most of these people have only known the 4% of him. How they're astronomers and they don't know about all the black matter and black energy. Black matter and black energy aren't necessarily bad things about him. It's just the small details. They knew the things he did, they didn't know why or what. They didn't know how much he loved his family. They only just assumed. They don't know their undiscovered.

My friends were here earlier. They wanted to stay longer but they had to leave. I'm glad they showed up though. I kind of needed it.

As the line comes to an end and the last few people say their condolences, I let out a deep breath. My chest has been feeling tight for days now and I can't seem to stop coughing. I feel for these people having to hug me while I have a coughing fit. I think I'm catching a cold. But I can't miss my own fathers funeral. My mom has kept a close eye on me to make sure I'm okay. She told me that I'm just sad about everything that's been going on and the tightness in my chest would go away after a while. She told me it's normal and I believe her.

I ask her if she wants to go outside to get some air and she shakes her head. She points toward a group of people coming our way but she tells me to go anyways. I try to get out of the way of the people that could care less if I'm even there. They only want to let my mother know that they showed up and that they're sobbing.

I'm so tired. I could really just sleep. My head feels fuzzy. Foggy. Like I can't think straight. Everyone is moving so fast, even the door is running away.

I think I'm going to be sick.

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