29 | b r e n d o n

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I'm not nervous. I know this material like the back of my hand.

I'm just scared that it's too late.

They said I wouldn't be able to pass because I missed too much school. Which I get. But my grades are perfect. Way perfect. They're just being downright rude telling a sick teenager that he might not graduate high school.

They set up a small room for me to sit in and they have a person coming to bring the exam. If this were any other type of situation, they would have just let me graduate without my exams and given me a pass, but I need this to make up for my lack of attendance.

I'm not complaining. I've been preparing for my finals all year.

It's a small, quaint room. It looks like it's meant to be sort of dark but they replaced the lightbulb to make it brighter. The test is on the table and there's a plastic water bottle placed right beside it. There's also a calculator and a pencil.

I sit down in the chair and they set up all the monitors around me. When they leave, a lady comes by and tells me the rules. I have 3 hours, 6 if I absolutely need. She checks the time and waits a couple of seconds before telling me to flip my test and to take my time.

I feel like death, truly. It was absolutely agonizing and took a lot of thinking. But I read each question carefully and gave it my best shot.

Awsten greets me with a giant smile and a wheelchair as soon as I leave the room. The lady follows behind me and slides my test in an envelope wasting no time to seal it. Awsten pats my back and wheels me to my room.

"You don't say much." I tell him, folding my arms over my stomach and letting out a deep breath.

"Not much to say." He replies quickly.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I attempt to make small talk.

He laughs loudly and opens the door to my room. He waves at Ryan who just sticks his tongue out and sits up. He has his arm in a sling to make fun of me.

"No way." Awsten says. "Girls suck. Boys too."

"Oh, you're bi?"

He shoots me a sad smile and helps me to the bed. I don't know what his deal is but he's bumming me out.

"It's just like Brendon to hit on a nurse." Ryan says from his side of the room.

"Be quiet over there. I need a nap."

Out of nowhere Dallon runs into the room and jumps on the bed like a toddler getting ready to have a book read to them. "So? How was it? Did you pass?"

"I did fine." I say with a polite smile and tuck myself under the covers.

Ryan throws his sling at me and holds up the middle finger. "You didn't even ask about it."

"Awe, it's cute that you think I care."

"Take me back to my room, nurse!" Ryan yells outside to a group of nurses in the hall. Dallon waves them off but they don't listen.

One peeked out of the group and looked back and forth between Dallon and Awsten. "Are you holding these patients hostage?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, you wanna help?" Dallon grins at them. They all giggle while the boys laugh and take in the room.

A familiar nurse piped up now, Hannah, I believe. "Is that your boyfriend?" She whispered cooly. She's talking about Awsten, not me.

Awsten wastes no time denying it, saying words like "I wouldn't," and, "He's just a friend."

He even blushes. Its official that Awsten blushing is the most adorable thing in this entire world.

They all clear out, except for a nurse I now know as Geoff along with Hannah and a Breezy.

In all that madness, Ryan sits there with a pout and the most still body ever.


short chapter but then again all the chapters are short 😩

anyways just failed a math unit exam got a 48 on it and I dunno what's happening I used to be so good at math

also I did a chemistry field test during second block and wrote a person response in first block. I'm now writing to u from the dead


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