33 | b r e n d o n

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Heat. Never ending heat. When will it end?

It's so hot. I haven't seen my friends in two days because we've been dying of heat stroke so I haven't left my house.

It's almost nighttime and it's still scorching outside.

I miss them all too. I wish I had a pool. Or I wish Hayley had a pool. Or Dallon. Or even Awsten. One of us. I want to swim in a big, cool pool that'll keep us all alive for another day. Is that too much to ask?

I bet Hell isn't this hot. I'm suffering more here than I would if I were there.

Venus is hot. Hotter than Mercury. I hate Venus more than I hate Mercury now. It was an inevitable decision that I had to make. And I made it. I can die peacefully now. Hopefully I go to heaven where it'll be the nice temperature of not too hot and not too cold.

This heat makes me want death! I swear.

My phone buzzes on the other side of my bed. I almost don't want to reach for it in case the breeze stops blowing on me and it results in a sudden death.

Want to get lunch tomorrow? Dallon texts me.

I stare at it a moment. I think my brain melted. What are you doing today? I text back.

I have to do laundry :( Leaving my place right now.

I'll be ready in 10 minutes :)

I throw my phone to the other side of my bed again and turn the fan on to the rotating system so it can follow me around my room.

I quickly change and grab all the essentials. The laundromat sounds fun. Actually, hanging out with Dallon sounds fun. I could care less about the laundromat.

I wait patiently by the door standing over the fan in the living room. My mom stares at me in confusion as I pant in front of the fan.

"You stole my cold." She stands next to me and fans herself with her hands. She's just as dramatic as I am. "Where you going?"

"Laundromat. Dallon has no clean clothes."

"Why? He's welcome to do his laundry here."

"It's too hot here." I argue. She shrugs and pushes me out of the way. "Don't be greedy. Share."

She furrows her brows making her look like some psychopath. "You stole my cold."

I hear Dallon's foot steps come up the stairs so I immediately leave and go outside. "Run, it's too hot."

He's startled but quickly obliges my orders, holding my hand down the stairs until we get to his car. I melt into the seat as I feel the air conditioning blast on my face.

"I'm so thankful for you."

"Happy thanksgiving?" He questions.

I laugh and turn it up higher. "Sure is."

He pulls out of my driveway and makes his way to the laundromat. Or a laundromat. I'm not sure how many there are.

I hadn't noticed this yet, but Dallon is wearing the best clothes I have ever seen. Sweat pants and a plain ass t-shirt. I never thought I'd see the day.

"Hey Dal," I start, trying my best to make eye contact. "What are you wearing?"

"Comfy clothes. It's Sunday. Let me live, how about." He's quick go defend. "Why did you want to come with me on this endeavour?"

"I had to get out of the house." I lie easily. I didn't miss him or anything.

"Mhm." He smiles knowingly. I don't like him like this. All cocky and wearing sweatpants.

He pulls into the small building with windows aligned all around. Looks cozy in there. Also sketchy. I can't believe he was going to come here close to dark on his own. What an idiot.

Dallon grabs his phone and earphones before grabbing his basket and laundry soap. It's such a small mundane task, and yet this is the most excited I've been since I played with those kittens.

"I have a few loads and then we'll skedaddle out." He smiles and opens a machine.

I make myself useful and follow his actions but in a different machine. He smiles widely and hands me the pods and fabric softener. Nobody else is in here, what's the harm in two machines?

Dallon sits down on one of the chairs as if he just ran a marathon. "I brought music!" He pulls out his earphones from his pocket and plugs it into his phone. "I also have 8 ball!"

"Here's an idea: Game Pigeon, Cup Pong. Let's fight."

"You're a genius."

He hands me an earphone as I type in my password and connect to the wifi coming from next door. He plays some music and I'm sending him a request.

"You're going down."

"You're so wrong."

He faced his phone away from my line of sight and nearly pulled out the earphone from my ear. He's dead set on this isn't he?

Dallon smiles brightly as I feel my phone buzz in my hand. I copy his actions of turning his phone away and shoot my shots. I get balls back and make 1 out of the 2.

It's back and forth until we're both on our last cups and it's redemption for him. He grins from ear to ear but I check my phone and he lost.

The song playing in my ear starts to slow while he turns toward me finally. "I let you win."

"You liar."

"Alright, fine. You won." But the smile doesn't falter . At least not until he's kissing me abruptly before one of the machines beeps.


I have my English final today 🤙🤙


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