Chapter thirty-two

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For weeks after our break up, Loki ignored me. Disappearing when I'd walk into a room. Leaving the dinning table when I'd sit down. Not bothering to join in on game nights and movie nights and not showing up to training and team building exercises.

After trying and failing to be his friend for the past few weeks, I decided to just throw in the towel. What I did was unfair, I shouldn't have dragged him along in a loveless relationship for so long.

After returning my hair to its brown state, I settled on the couch to watch some tv and enjoy my unhealthy, non-captain approved, snacks.

'Kat!' Tony screamed my name from the kitchen.

I jumped up from the couch, the blankets, snacks and laptop that were just balanced precariously on my lap; now on a pile on the floor.

I ran to the kitchen to see Tony stood behind the island eating some blueberries. 'What's the matter? What's wrong?' I frantically questioned.

He rolled his eyes and calmly let out a sigh. 'Nothings wrong, Maximoff. I just wanted to know if you could do me a favour and go and collect Spidey from school.'

Holding in all my panic and frustration, I simply nodded. 'Yeah, will do.'

He tossed me his car keys and I walked away, afraid that if I stayed to talk to him I'd kill him for giving me a low level heart attack.

As I put the key in the ignition, the passenger door opened and Natasha Romanoff jumped in.

'Where the hell do you think you're going?!'

'What is it with everyone trying to give me a heart attack today!' I clutched the steering wheel and gave her a death glare. 'I'm going to pick up Peter, what do you want?'

'Drive.' She said as she pulled her seatbelt across her chest and plugged it in.

I started the car and began to drive forward, alerting the sensor that somebody was leaving and automatically opening the door.

'I want to know where little pink's gone?' She raised an eyebrow.

'Nat, the hair was fun but it wasn't practical. We're supposed to blend in, be inconspicuous. With that hair you gave me I looked like a highlighting pen grew arms and legs.'

'Kat, we were all changing up our look to blend in. Let's face it your hair was getting boring. All of our styles got boring. Wanda went ginger, you pink, and me white. It's cool to change it up. Now you're back o boring ass brown. Your blonde suited you better I hope you know.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Natasha what is the point in this conversation? You've been going on about hair for god sake? You usually lecture me on weapons not weaves.'

Natasha rolled her eyes. She took out her phone and began typing. As we pulled up at a stop light she held up her phone.

Eyes and ears everywhere. Me and Steve have been working together to take out hydra operatives for months and it seems they've gotten more info on us than we have them.

I raised a brow and she typed some more as I drove.

We're going to pick up Peter and Wanda and you guys are going to stay with Clint, Laura and Pepper at Barton farm.

As I opened my mouth to speak Natasha cut me off. 'So where is this school? It's taking a while to get there.'

Remembering what she said about ears listening, I nodded. 'Queens.'


Peter got in the car and Natasha took over the driving. We stopped at the art store in town and got Wanda and I showed then both the messages Nat had typed for me as she pulled up outside a McDonald's for us to get lunch.

We walked in and sat at the back. While Nat went to order, two guys in hoods walked towards us.

We prepared to stand and run, only for me to catch a glimpse at the first guys face. It was Steve. He sat down opposite us and so did the guy beside him. They took their hoods down, leaving just baseball caps.

'What are you doing here?' I asked Steve and Sam.

'We're just gonna explain what we need you guys to do.' Sam told us and we nodded.

Sam cleared his throat and put a device on the table. He pressed the button before talking. 'When you press this button, the box sends out strong signals blocking out other radio stations. It creates a white noise so that we're able to talk without anybody listening.'

'Once you've eaten, Natasha is going to take you over to the beat up fiesta at the back of the parking lot. It's Sam's and it hasn't got any trackers or a radio. You'll be safe in it.'

'How long is this going to last? I have classes tomorrow.' Peter asked, worrying about something small compared to the bigger picture.

Steve chuckled. 'Not long Pete, two weeks tops.'

After food Natasha led us to the beat up fiesta and began the long drive to Clint and Laura's farm.

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