Chapter 8: Surprises

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"Tokyo." I responded.

She frowned, "What about Brazil?"

"My job's important."

"Than your brother and Neymar?" She asked.

"Quit asking me that!" I whined.

"Fine. We were really looking forward to going to Brazil with you, but now that you've chosen Tokyo, there's not much left to do."

"I'm sorry, Ella. You know how much I wanna go to Brazil but I have to go to Tokyo. My job's important and I need the money to raise Jeremy on my own."

She sighed, "Yeah, you're right. I really wish you could come with us, though."

"Yeah, me too. Also, do you mind taking Jeremy to Brazil? I can't take him along with me to Tokyo, and I'm sure he'd love to cheer his uncle on." I said, smiling.

She smiled back, "Of course! I'd love to take Jeremy along with us. I'll take great care of him, so don't worry about anything."

"Thanks, El. I knew I could count on you."

"No problem! So, when do you leave for Tokyo?" She asked.

"Next week, so I better start packing."

"Yeah, knowing you, you always wait until the last minute." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes at her, "I just happen to pack a lot."

"By a lot, you mean your whole closet." She grinned at me.

"It's completely normal for a girl to pack her whole closet." I defended myself.

"True, but to change about 5 times a day, now I'm not so sure about that."

"Yeah, yeah, you win." I mumbled, defeatedly.

She winked at me, "I always do, love."

* * *

I walked to my apartment, trying to find my keys in my purse. I end up dropping my keys on the floor. I kneel down to pick it up, and notice an envelope on my doormat. I grabbed my keys and stuff it inside my purse. I opened the envelope, and there was a hand-written letter in it. I unfolded it and began reading the letter in my head.


I don't know whether you have decided to go to Tokyo or come to Brazil. If you have chosen to go to Tokyo, then I hope you have a great time. You better catch us on TV, though!

However, if you're willing to come to Brazil, then that's great because I've already made the arrangements. Be sure to check the envelope once more before you throw it out.

I hope you'll come to Brazil with me, because I'd love for you to be there during my matches and I'd also love to show you around my home country. Hopefully, I'll see you soon.



I smiled. That boy sure knew how to make a girl smile. I neatly folded the letter and placed it inside my purse, before looking inside the envelope. I found a plane ticket to São Paulo, Brazil. I couldn't hold back the smile that was now forming on my face. I put the ticket in my purse and grabbed my keys, unlocking the door and entering my apartment. I closed the door behind me, taking the plane ticket and letter from my purse, before heading into my room.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Neymar's number. He picked up on the third ring.


"Yes." I said, smiling.

"Yes, what?" He asked in confusion.

"Yes, I'll go to Brazil with you." At this point, I was laughing.

"Really?" I could hear the smile in his voice.


"You're an amazing friend and I love you so much!"

"I love you too, but I've gotta talk to my brother first."

He groaned, "Yeah, that can't be good."

"Well, aren't you a great help."

He chuckled, "Why don't you let me handle that, okay?"

"Okay." I responded, before he hung up.

* * *

"I'm going to Brazil!" I squealed, hugging Leo tightly.

He laughed, "I know! What made you change your mind?"

Should I tell him?

"Oh... Uh, I just have to be there to support and cheer my big brother on!" I said, pulling away.

Which, technically wasn't a lie. It was only a part of the truth.

"Aww, you really are the most amazing sister ever."

I flipped my hair dramatically, "Tell me something I don't know."

"Well, get this, Neymar wants to take you to Brazil." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I looked at him in all seriousness, "What?"

"Yeah, exactly. He said he's arranged everything, even the plane ticket."

"Wow." I said, pretending to be surprised although that thought just made me smile.

"Do you know about this?" He asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Of course not!" I said, way too defensively.

"You know." He simply finished.

"I know what?"

"You know that I know that you know that he's taking you to Brazil."

I rolled my eyes at him, "That makes no sense."

"Yeah, it does. You knew about this, so why didn't you tell me?" He demanded.

"Because he said he'd handle it. He said he'd talk to you, and that you'd understand, but no. You don't understand!" I shouted.

He covered my mouth quickly, "Shh!" He said, hushing me. I stopped talking and stared at him. "Look, I still want you to come to Brazil, okay? I want you to be there, but what I won't let you do is go with Neymar." I looked down. "So, you either come to Brazil with me, Antonella and Thiago or you can head off to Tokyo with Phoebe. If you plan on going to Brazil then you can bring Jeremy along, but you can't go with Neymar, understand?"

I nodded, still avoiding his eyes. He sighed, taking his hand off my mouth. I looked up at him, "Why are you so against the idea?"

"It doesn't matter."

"No, tell me."

"It. Doesn't. Matter." He repeated.

"I demand an answer, Leo!" I shouted.

He was silent before responding, "Because I don't want him to fall in love with you!"

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