Chapter 20: Girls Night Out

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Antonella and I had spent our night shopping, going to the cinema, checking out cute boys and joining a flash-mob which took place in Paulista Avenue at exactly midnight. It was a regular girls night out and it was as if we were back in New York City. We were like teenagers who'd sneak out to go to parties, spend an hour trying on dresses at the mall and stalking hot guys. You name it, we did it.

"I'm so glad we did this. I feel like we're back in New York already." Antonella said, struggling to carry all of her shopping bags.

"I know, right? This is exactly what we needed, a break from everything."

"You're seriously the best sister-in-law and best friend a girl could ever have." She threw her bag-filled arms around me.

I managed to stop ourselves from falling, "Aw, the same goes for you."

She pulled away, "Hey, what's the time?"

I somehow managed to grab my phone and unlocked it, looking at the time, "It's currently 3:15 a.m." I said, slipping the phone back into my handbag.

"Our flight doesn't leave until three in the afternoon, so let's just grab some coffee and spend another hour out here, yeah?"

"Sounds good to me." We went to a café and had coffee, along with cake-pops. "Where to next?" I asked, as we left the café shortly after.

"H&M?" She suggested.

I smiled at her, "You read my mind."

* * *

I had already finished packing last night, so the only thing I needed to pack were my cosmetics and clothes that Antonella and I had bought last night. Once I was done, I grabbed my phone and left my room, skipping over to Neymar's room.

I knocked on the door, waiting for him to answer it. I waited for a while but he still hadn't answered. I knocked again and was once again left with no answer. I twisted the doorknob to see if it was open and sure enough, it was. I stepped inside his room and he was peacefully asleep on the bed. I closed the door behind me and made my way to the bed. He looked so adorable and I couldn't help but smile at the sight, but unfortunately we had to leave in three hours and he didn't seem to be anywhere near ready.

"Neymar?" I gently shook him, hoping to get a reaction out of him. He just groaned and rolled over. I tried again, "Neymar!" All he did was cover his face with the duvet and mumble a "go away." "Neymar, if you get up I will flash you." He immediately sat up. I laughed at his reaction, "That did the trick."

"You are a cruel person, Tori." He said with a pout.

"Maybe if you get ready in about an hour, I might consider having sex with you..." He got off the bed and rushed into the bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh.

Half an hour later, he emerged from the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets clung to his hair and slid down his body. I couldn't help but stare. He walked over to his closet and grabbed a fresh set of clothes. As he bent down, reaching for his boxers, I tilted my head to the side and smirked at the view. Not bad for a football player. I quickly looked at my phone before he could catch me checking him out. He went back into the bathroom to get changed and came out shortly after. I was still on my phone, scrolling through Instagram.

"Hey, Tori?"

"Hmm?" My eyes were glued to the phone as I scrolled down, double-tapping pictures every once in a while.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I put my phone beside me and sat up properly against the headboard.

"Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?" I asked.

"That's what I'm willing to know." He said, sitting across me.

"What do you mean?" My voice rose in confusion.

"A few days ago, I was being interviewed about this year's World Cup." He started. I knew exactly where he was going with this.


"The last question however wasn't football related, and um... The interviewer asked me if there's anything going on between us, so I said that we were just friends. Then she asked me if that maybe in the future could I ever picture myself being with you..." He said, looking at me.

"And you said you did..." I finished.

"You saw it?"


"Look, I don't know if this changes anything between us, but I don't wanna lose you. It was just an interview and it meant nothing, okay?"


"Y-Yeah... I get it, I mean I totally understand." I said, faking a laugh.

"So, we're okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Totally."

We weren't okay. He just told me that it meant nothing to him. He didn't want to be with me in the future or ever.

Why did I have to go and fall for my best friend?

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