Chapter 15: Just Friends

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I woke up, feeling incredibly comfortable for some reason. I had a massive hangover. I forced my eyes open and took in my surroundings. I was lying in bed covered in a large duvet, and there was an arm wrapped around my waist.

Did I hook up with someone last night? I slowly sat up, only to find that the person beside me was Neymar. I looked down to see what I was wearing, and it was his Brazilian jersey.

I slowly got out of bed before looking around for anything that I had left lying in his room. I grabbed my belongings and left his room, but not before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. I entered my hotel room and threw my belongings on the couch before climbing into bed and falling asleep, feeling empty and lonely.

I woke up later on, checking the time on my phone as it currently read '11:30 a.m.' I placed my phone back on the bedside table before getting up and heading into the bathroom to shower. After I got ready, I sat on my bed and tried to collect my thoughts.

I still had a headache so that obviously didn't help the case. I don't remember much besides getting completely wasted and ending up in Neymar's bed. All I knew was that I woke up in his bed, wearing his jersey. Had something happened last night? Even if something had happened how could I approach him about this? Thinking made my head hurt even more, if possible, so I pushed away all of my thoughts before grabbing my phone and dialing a familiar number. I held my phone up to my ear, waiting for someone to answer.


"Hey, Ella!" I said, way too cheerily for my own good.

She laughed at my tone, "Did somebody get laid last night?"

"I don't know. I might've but I'm not too sure." I blurted out.

"Whoa, whoa, back it up. What happened? I need details, woman!"

"Okay, so I went to a club with Neymar last night and somehow I ended up in his bed, and I was also completely wasted."

"Score!" She cheered as if a football player from her favorite team had scored a goal.

"Thing is, I don't know if we slept together or not. I woke up in his bed wearing his jersey."

"Maybe you just changed into his jersey because you can't sleep in a dress that you wore to the club?" She suggested.

I groaned, "I don't know. Should I ask him?"

"I'll admit that it might be awkward but you need to know what happened last night. You said you were drunk, so I don't think anything happened. Both you and I know for a fact that he wouldn't have taken advantage of you."

"How the hell did you become so wise?" I asked, jokingly.

"Ha, very funny. Seriously, just be straightforward about it, okay? I hope everything goes well."

"Thanks, Ella. I knew I could count on you."

"I have to go, call me when you're free?"

"Sure, bye."

"Bye." I hung up, throwing my phone on the bed and lying down, staring up at the ceiling.

There was a knock at the door, so I got up and opened it to find Neymar standing there.

"Come on in." I opened the door wider and let him in. I closed the door behind me as he sat on the edge of the bed. "What's up?" I asked, leaning my back against the door.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing after last night."

"I'm sorry how I acted last night. I wasn't myself."

"I realized, but it's okay." He said, smiling at me.


Should I ask him if anything else happened?

"Hey, um... Did we do anything last night?" I asked.

"By that, you mean if we had sex. Don't worry, we didn't and I could never take advantage of someone in that state."

I smiled, "Thank you."

What're friends for?"


That word made me cringe and realize that I might be stuck in the friend-zone. If he wanted to stay as friends then every girl knew that was a code for 'I want you to stay away from me.'

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I've been better."

"Maybe a walk in the park could help, only if you're up for it." He stood up.

"Yeah, okay just let me grab my stuff." I walked over to the couch, throwing clothes around and grabbing my purse and phone.

Neymar walked over to the pile of scattered clothes and picked up a yellow t-shirt, but it wasn't just any t-shirt, it was his Brazilian jersey.

"Is this mine?" He asked, looking at it.

"Yeah, I kinda borrowed it for the night and forgot to return it to you."

"Keep it." He said, looking at me.

"I can wash it, if that's what you mean."

He chuckled, "No, I want you to have it."

"But it's yours."

"It's yours now. I want you to wear this to my first game on Thursday." He had a smile on his face.

I smiled, "Okay." I took the jersey from his hand before putting it in my closet. We left the hotel and headed to the park, and took a long walk. We didn't talk much, so sometimes it resulted in an awkward silence. Neither of us knew what to say. "So... Bruna..." I started.

He looked at me, "You remember?"

"I remember you telling me about her wanting to go out with you."


"Well, do what you want. If she makes you happy, then go for it, but if she breaks your heart then I'll take that bitch down."

He laughed, "You don't have to worry about me dating her. I've got someone else on my mind."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. To say I like her would be an understatement."

"Aww, Ney's in love." I laughed, pushing him playfully.

Truth be told, that hurt.

He laughed, "Yeah, I'm just waiting for the right moment to tell her."

"You've gotta introduce me to her."

"That'd be kinda difficult, but I'll see what I can do."

I felt someone cover my eyes. I knew it wasn't Neymar. I placed my hands on top of theirs. The person seemed to be wearing a ring on her right hand.

"Guess who?" I heard the angelic voice ask.

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