Chapter 13: Secrets

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Nick had a smile on his face as I said those five words out loud, "I'm in love with Neymar."

"Yeah, you are." His smile widened.

"Nick, I'm so sorry. I feel so terrible, and god, I don't even know what to say."

He shook his head, placing a hand on top of mine, "Don't be sorry. It's a great thing you've figured out what and who you want in life."

"But I really like you." I whispered.

"I really like you too, but you've got to know that there's a huge difference between liking someone and being in love with them." He said, giving my hand a squeeze.

"I'm sorry."

"Shh, stop saying that. You have nothing to be sorry for. Just, promise me that you won't wait too long to tell him this, I mean it's the only thing you can do for me now."

I felt my eyes pricking with tears. Why did I have to be such a heartless bitch sometimes?

"I promise." I said, trying to smile.

"Go get him, princess." He said, flashing his gorgeous smile at me one last time.

* * *

"WAKE UP!" I screamed and fell off the bed.

I heard laughter. I groaned, struggling to open my eyes. I saw Neymar standing there, laughing.

"You asked for it." I got up, charging at him before tackling him down and pinning him against the floor. I straddled him, "How many times have I told you not to wake me up?"

Neymar pretended to count with his fingers before looking at me, "Um... Four... Five?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Don't. Do. It. Again."

"Or else what?" He asked, challenging me.

"Are you challenging me?" I asked.

"Maybe." He responded, grinning.

"Okay, if you ever wake me up again I'll rip out your intestines and strangle you with them."

He shrieked, "What the hell!" I laughed before rolling off him and laying down beside him on the floor. We stared up at the ceiling in silence. "So, how was your date last night?" He asked, still looking at the ceiling.

"It was okay, I guess. I'm not gonna see him again though."

"Why not?" His gaze averted to me.

"He's not my type." I said, looking at him.

That was a lie.

"Well, Miss Messi, what is your type then?" Neymar rolled onto his side, resting his elbow on the floor.


"I don't know, I guess someone funny, caring, sweet and understanding."

"You keep adding more qualities and I swear you'll never get a boyfriend." He said, laughing.

"Loser." I shoved him playfully.

"Yeah, yours." He said, smiling.

What was that supposed to mean?

* * *

"I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and Nick. He seems like a great guy."

We were talking a walk on the park, catching up on everything that we've missed in the past few days and enjoying each other's company.

"It's fine. It wouldn't have worked out anyway due to long distance." I said, eating my ice cream from the cup.

"Hold on, you've got a little bit of ice cream there." Neymar slid his finger across my lower lip before licking his finger.

What the hell was that? Does he even know what he's doing to me right now?

"I-I... Uh.. " I didn't know what to say.

He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, "What's wrong?"

"I'm so screwed when Leo gets here." I threw the finished cup of ice cream in the trash, and sat down on the grass.

He followed suit, "Stop worrying about that. I told you that I'll handle it, okay?"

"Okay." I said, kissing his cheeks but letting my lips linger there for a while. I realized what I was doing and quickly pulled away, avoiding his eyes.

"Let me guess, friendly gesture?" He tilted his head to the side, smiling.

I forced a smile, "Yeah."

If only he knew.

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