The 10 Things Dally never told Anyone

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The 10 Things Dally has never told anyone...

1. He wishes that his parent's loved him like parents were supposed to love their children.
2. His mother cared about drugs more than she ever cared about him.
3. Dally knows that if there is a Hell, he has a first class ticket there... and he is okay with that.
4. When Dally met the gang, Mrs Curtis would treat him like her own son, it was the first time he had felt what love was truly like. The night she died he cried, he sobbed his heart out until he fell asleep. He still hasn't gotten over her loss.
5. He doesn't "make love" he fucks until he cannot feel a thing... he doesn't know how to love someone, and his not quite sure that he ever will.
6.The only person he has ever truly cared about is Johnny, but God, he just didn't know how to love the kid.
7. He prays every single night before he goes to bed, hoping that God hasn't lost faith in him yet. His prayers always go unanswered.
8. He was in his first real gang at the age of 10, at age 12 he watched his best friend get shot in the stomach, he held his friend in his arms until the police arrived. He was carted away to juvenile detention.
9. His first night in Juvie was the hardest. He cried the whole time.
10. It turns out he loved Johnny. And he couldn't stand to live in a world where an innocence like that was stolen. So he decided to die too.

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