Break-Up Headcanons

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- darry stays in his room whenever he's home

- god he blames himself and runs it over and over in his head what he could have done better

- drowns himself in his work until his boss sends him home bc even he's worried about him

- doesn't scream at pony to clean his room or do his homework

- at night your laugh haunts him, and he holds his head in his hands as loneliness consumes him

- soda has to drag him out the house with Steve to get him to even see sunlight

-cannot go to the park, there are too many memories there and it sends a pang to his heart

- one day Johnny goes in to talk to him and when they both leave, Darry is making an effort to smile and he slowly starts getting back into the swing of his normal life


-oh my poor baby would be so sad

- his cheeks would always be tear stained and puffy

- pony sleeps on the couch to give him privacy

- darry eases up on the both of them because he knows how hard soda takes it

- steve spends every waking moment at that house until he perks up

- Two drags soda out the house and to the drive in movies to get his mind off you

- the smell of him, reminds him of you bc you always wore his clothes when you could

- spends an hour in the shower he's so sad

-the boys take showers the night before because they know soda will use all the water

-dallas gives him a good talking to, and soda comes back out his old self, though the mention of your name puts him in kind of a slump


- sad poetry every day

-he never gets any sleep so the bags under his eyes are so evident

- he doesn't want to talk to anyone, not even soda

-he is so angry at you, at himself, for everything

-he lashes out at his brothers but they dont take it to heart

-he goes for walks in the middle of the night to clear his head

-spends a lot of time with Two and Johnny

- Cherry sometimes stops by and gives him some positive affirmations

-he slowly pulls himself out of his funk by writing and crying out his feelings

-thinks every phone call is going to be you


-steve oh my babe he gets so frusturated

- he doesn't even remember what you two were fighting about

- nearly rips out all his hair from overthinking

- goes to the gym to work out is anger

- rants and rambles to soda almost everyday

-he's at the DX, working on a car and ranting about you when the hood shuts on his hand

- ends up fracturing his hand which makes him angrier

- soon night falls upon him and soda is sleeping on the floor and he just feels sad

-he misses you and wants to try and make it work

-feels helpless and god does he hate feeling helpless


-tries to laugh his way out of it

-when he talks about his feelings to soda and johnny, he has to add in a joke after every sad comment to make himself feel better

-he only really tells pony how he really feels

-his sister pities him and spends a lot of time with him

- with his sister and mom he's just...sad

-he doesn't cry, he just gets really depressed

-sits at home and watches tv everyday while eating away his feelings

-he spends a lot of money on stuff he doesn't need

- like who is going to need a record player WITH NO VINYLS KIETH

-darry acts as a father role to Two and he gives him advice that really helps him get through it


-jesus christ he goes off the deep end

-he starts stealing a LOT OF SHIT like how did he not get caught

- he lashes out and screams at Soda and Two even though all they want to do is help

-smoke smoke smoke smoke

- 3 packs a day

- tells pony to fuck off a lot

-thinks he's a fuck up and wants to beat himself up

-cries twice in front of johnny about you

- tries to play it off like you never meant anything to him and everytime he does he breaks his own heart

-gets sad when he's by himself and a lot of self-hatred and insecurities start showing

- Johnny and soda hold him captive in the curtis house until he's calmed down and he's let off steam

-when they open the door, there are holes in the wall and cigarrette buds everywhere

- ...he just wants you back

-he just wants to apologize..


-so much sadness and self-hatred it makes me want to cry

-he would blame himself for everything

-he hates seeing Johnny sad, but he hates even more that he actually still likes you bc you're actually really cool

- Dallas hardly leaves his side

-Johnny gets into a really bad place

-the curtis brothers go and check on johnny whenever they get the chance

-he tries to get mad, tries to break stuff

-but he can't, he just wants to be in your arms again

-doesn't sleep for nights

-dallas has to threaten him to get him to eat, bathe, and socialize

-cherry and the boys get him gifts and take him out

-he's appreciative but it doesn't help

-he doesn't want cup noodle soup, he wants his baby back.

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